
Gen 9 PU
Stantler Is mostly known to Be.. In Untiered or PU In every Generation.. Because of It's Defense stats and It's Mediocre Speed, It can't be a Good Physical attacker and gets Outclassed by every other Normal type, But ever since Stantler got the Wyrdeer Evolution In
Pokemon Legends Arceus, It now has Access to Eviolite, It can make use of the Eviolite for It's Defenses, Here's what I run for my Stantler and I know you might make It useful too!
Stantler @ Eviolite
Ability: Intimidate
Tera Type: Ghost
EVs: 252 HP / 164 Def / 92 SpD
Calm Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Hypnosis
- Shadow Ball / Psychic / Earth Power / Tera Blast
- Calm Mind
- Rest
Those are Complicated EVS, but It can be useful If used Correctly Like I said Twice.. but Here's the Set Explanation.
I go for Intimidate to lower a Physical Attacking Pokemon such as Lycanroc Midnight, Flapple, Perserrker, Dugtrio and Etc
, It might last you long and you can survive, With 164 Def, you get 300 Defense, with 92 SpD you can try and Tank some Special hits, 92 SpD makes 312 Boosted with Eviolite, Hypnosis Is to put a Pokemon to sleep, It has 60% Accuracy but If you can hit it you can Spam some Calm minds, with 3 Calm minds off you get 519 Special Attack, you can hit Pokemon super hard with that and you can Use Shadow Ball for Misdreavus, Psychic for Falinks or Crabominable, Earth Power for Perserrker and Tera Blast for anything Really, Even If the Opposing Pokemon Terastallizes you can still do some Decent Chunk of damage or Maybe you can even Hit Hard with the CM Boosts to have your Teammates to finish the Opposing Pokemons, Just have a Misdreavus on your team and you'll be good.