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I'm currently Nuzlocking Pokemon Pearl and my team is,
Monferno lvl 22
Pachirisu lvl 17
Geodude lvl 20
Sheildon lvl 20
Chatot lvl 20
and then Chingling lvl 17
I want to know if Chingling would be a useful teammate in the future or if I would be better off finding something else. I currently also have Meditite but I thought two fighting types wouldn't be beneficial

ago by
I think Monferno and Geodude are currently the 2 best Pokemon on the team. You might want to replace Shieldon with something, because having 2 rock Pokemon on the team is probably worse than having 2 fighting Pokemon.
Chimecho has a really barren movepool, relying on Confusion as STAB up until it gets Extrasensory at level 46 or Psychic through TM, and poor offensive stats to boot. Medicham is a good Pokémon, but it doesn't get any Physical Psychic moves beyond breeding. Bronzong and Kadabra/Alakazam can serve as better Psychic types than the two.

2 Answers

3 votes
Best answer

First, Chimecho evolves by friendship. If you caught it at level 13 and never let it faint or use any herbs on it, it'll probably evolve around the time you battle Fantina or Byron. Until that point in the game, it's gaining experience that could be going to your other Pokemon, and it's pretty useless in battle. Even after evolving, 95 special attack is just a bit above average, and its low HP and speed means it'll still faint pretty easily. Psychic/ghost coverage is weak against anything that's dark or steel type.

Basically if you go to a random place and catch a random Pokemon, it'll probably be better than Chimecho. Some specific Pokemon you should consider using are Gastly (Old Chateau and Lost Tower), Staravia (Route 209 and several other places), and Magikarp (fish anywhere with the good rod). All of these evolve into Pokemon with high attack stats, reliable STAB moves, and enough different coverage moves, and either evolve much faster than Chimecho or can pull their own weight before evolving.

ago by
edited ago by
okay thanks! I'll probably replace him with a Magikarp I'm hoping to get from fishing
You might want to replace a few other Pokemon on your team as well as your Chingling. I forgot about this when I was posting the answer, but you can catch a higher-level Machop in places like Mt. Coronet or Route 208 and trade it for an Abra in Oreburgh City.
yeah I thought about doing that, but would Abra die relatively fast due to his frailness?
0 votes

What nature is the Chingling, and what are its moves?

Chimecho is more good as a special attacker. Good defense and special defense (special defense is 10 stat points higher) Its HP is decent.

Psywave might be an OK attack, damage varies from 50% to 150% of the attacker's level. It does typeless damage however. Despite that it still can't hit dark-types because it's a psychic-type move.

Heal Bell however might really come in handy, because it can cure all the party members' status conditions. You can only use it in battle however.

If it's still alive by level 46, then it'll learn Extrasensory - a strong psychic move with a chance to flinch.

Just make sure not to use it against any gym leaders it's weak against.

ago by
This is all very nice but it's kinda missing the bigger picture of Chimecho being a worse Pokemon than other options.