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I am currently in a battle with a Cascoon and a Buneary in Eterna Forest with Cheryl. Which one should I catch?

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I tried to use a Dustox in my BDSP playthrough. It learns basically no moves, has 50s for attacking stats, and will die to nearly anything.

Lopunny has decent stats, a good defensive typing, and a usable movepool, with access to a lot of good Fighting type moves.

Neither are phenomenal Pokemon you'd be looking to use in a playthrough, but Lopunny is far superior to Dustox
Buneary also learns frustration, which is useful for a while.
That's true cause it starts at 0 friendship instant 100 BP move

1 Answer

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I’m not qualified in anyway, but I’ll try my best.
Lopunny wins in base stat total by a long shot. But Dustox is good if you want a fully evolved Pokémon fast. For gyms, Lopunny is weak to the fighting gym and immune to the ghosts in that respective gym. Dustox is bad against the Rock gym, which you already passed, but in the Elite four, Dustox would not be good in the fire category, good in the psychic category, and probably gonna be weak in Cynthia anyways since literally 2% of Pokémon are good against her. For TMs, Dustox is alright. And Lopunny’s TM coverage is alsoalright though. So if I had to choose, Dustox would be decent enough before probably dying to Cynthia.

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Dustox is extremely frail, with an awful defensive typing, (as well as offensive in terms of movepool.) It's also weak to Psychic despite having a STAB super effective type to it. Your also forced to use TMs if you want anything stronger than a 65 BP move before Level 41
Lopunny doesn't need very much coverage when STAB return effectively has 153 base power.