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Does Pokemon Transporter and/or Bank still work?
I can't transfer my Pokemon into my transfer box to Omega Ruby, I'm in Pokemon bank and turned left, but when I put it into my Pokemon bank box it won't let me. (Also have X and UM, if OR is weird for some reason) I don't know if it's my Pokemon that is wrong that says "this Pokemon cannot be transferred here". I'm trying to transfer three Pokemon. A level 92 Typhlosion "Joey". A level 40 Raikou "Power Jazz" and a level 12 Psyduck named "Kaleb-Kian". Is it nicknames, or something else. They don't have held items. And anytime I go into Pokemon Bank it says free trial.
EDIT: At least one of these Pokemon is problamatic, but won't let me transfer any. If all of them are, it's gonna be sad to see I can't transfer my Pokemon Crystal mons from my childhood. Hopefully, there is a solution.

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The question mark is normal and you can ignore it.
Can confirm the question mark thing, I get that too and it works just fine.

Iirc, Poké Transporter doesn’t transfer Pokémon into the 3ds games, you’d have to move it from Transporter to Bank, THEN from Bank to Omega Ruby or what have you.
Like stephweel said, try opening in Bank and going left to the Transport Box and seeing if you can transfer
Don't worry about the question mark or the time remaining on the trial. It is functionally infinite and you will never have to pay (the ? happens because the game is trying to render a very large number and can't).

2 Answers

2 votes
Best answer

Crystal can't transfer to ORAS--once they're in Bank, they can only move into the Alola games.

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o dang fr ty
lol ty. i'll transfer to UM then.
1 vote

Yes, Pokémon Transporter and Bank still work.

In order to transfer Pokémon from Transporter, it first needs to be deposited in Bank, then put into your desired game from Bank.
(Crystal -> Transporter -> Bank -> Omega Ruby)

Don’t worry about the “free trial” or question marks: these are simply rendering issues from Nintendo making the application accessible in a way it wasn’t exactly expected to be (which they can’t fix if they wanted to because, no eshop) You have infinite, unlimited access to Bank and Transporter, until Nintendo decides to shut down the servers.
