I just found out that I have a Cherish Ball in my White 2 save. Obviously, this wasn't acquired legitimately. I used to be somewhat into generating Pokemon I thought were cool 5 or so years ago, and I probably just gave one that ball to hold at random.
I'm currently trying to shiny hunt a Pokemon to catch in this ball. More specifically, I want to catch a Sigilyph in this ball. Obviously, there's no legitimate way to get a Sigilyph in a Cherish Ball. However, the Pokemon would be completely legit in every other way- it's just the ball itself that was acquired through hacking.
If I try to transfer this otherwise completely legitimate Pokemon into Poké Transporter, and then subsequently from there into Home, and then into my Pokemon Sword save, what would happen to it? Would it just not care because the Pokemon doesn't have any illegal moves/abilities?