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I have been playing Pokémon violet for more than twice as long as my friend Hunter, yet he has found 3 shiny Pokémon compared to my zero. Does anyone know any good ways to get shiny Pokémon? (I won’t take breeding as an answer)

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Short answer is Sparkling Power sandwiches/Outbreaks.
There are 2 good ways to get shiny Pokemon in scarlet and violet. Both ways require the shiny charm for best odds.

1. The wild method
 First you identify an outbreak of the Pokemon you want. Then you make a Sparkling Power sandwich. You can go here for recipes https://www.dexerto.com/pokemon/best-shiny-sandwich-recipes-in-pokemon-scarlet-violet-easy-recipes-for-sparkling-power-3-2007534/ . Then you go to the same outbreak you identified and destroy 60 Pokemon in the outbreak. Then despawn and respawn the Pokemon until you find a shiny. Save before catching it then catch it. with a shiny charm your odds are 1/512. Without it your odds are 1/1365.

2. The Mesuda method
To get a shiny with this method, you need other than a shiny charm but you also need to breed your Pokemon and one of the Pokemon needs to be from a different country. Then you breed the two and have a 1/512 with the shiny charm and without is 1/2048.
That doesn't answer the question.


I would answer but I don't have any experience in SV
It depends on the Pokémon. If it’s a starter Mesuda 100%. If you have the resources then do wild method to craft sandwichs. It all depends on the situation.
Ok am I the only one who's never heard of sandwiches referred to as the wild method?
Could be considered that

1 Answer

0 votes

Breeding is a pretty good way to get a shiny, but, if you don't want to breed, there are other options.


Using Herba Mystica (obtained from 6-star Tera Raids) in combination with other sandwich ingredients can make a sandwich with these effects:

Sparkling Power (Type of your choice): Lv. 3
Title Power (Type of your choice): Lv. 3
Encounter Power (Type of your choice): Lv. 3

Sparkling Power increases shiny odds to about 1 in 1024 (without Shiny Charm).
Title Power is just an added bonus; it increases the chances of having a rare "title", shown when a Pokemon enters a battle.
Encounter Power drastically increase the chances of encountering a Pokemon of that specific type in the wild.

To use this method, find a place where your desired Pokemon spawns and is about the only Pokemon of that type around. Then, make your sandwich and you should be seeing loads of that Pokemon and (hopefully ^^) a shiny.

This chart is a guide on how to get the sandwich right for your type of choice.

This is the main way to hunt shinies in S/V, and, if you dont want to breed, this is likely the best way for you.

For an added bonus, if there is an outbreak of your desired Pokemon, K.O'ing 60 of them increases your shiny odds (Credit to CharlotteMillton in the comments).

Hope I helped!
