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I want to know which Pokemon I should use. It would be nice if the Pokémon could trap other Pokémon, change the weather to prevent hail or sandstorms from killing the shiny, use false swipe and put the Pokémon to sleep. Please help I have been searching bulbapedia for hours.

What game?
In SM use a Harvest pokemon accompanied by a Smeargle there's a YouTube vid by adrive detailing it
Pangoro is a good option, as it has Scrappy for Ghost-type shinies and high base Attack. Scrappy is it's HA though, so it'll either take some breeding or Max Raid grinding to get one. It can learn False Swipe by TM/TR Gen 6+, as well as Rain Dance or Sunny Day (SwSh). Unfortunately it can't learn any status such as Thunder Wave, but it's still a good investment.
Smeargle is arguably the best as long as it is in a game you are playing.  It can learn Spore, False Swipe and other moves that can help you.  Just make sure you are in a scenario where you can overlevel.

3 Answers

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Gallade has Rain Dance to offset harmful weather, Hypnosis to put a Pokemon to sleep, and a massive Attack so False Swipe does more damage. Smeargle works in earlier games, but it's frailer, and it can take a while to set up.

Hope I helped!

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Good, my answer is dead for sure
So cheers, with an upvote
1 vote

1) A False Swiper / Hold Backer( SWSH). This allows you to put the Pokémon in range of easier catch.
2) A Pokémon with weather move. If you're catching shinies in a Sandstorm or Hailstorm, change the weather so it doesn't die. Do this first. For example, you can take Lotad. It's available at Route 2 and learns Rain dance by TM which is in Hammerlocke. Hoping you're at least in this part of the game, catch Lotad, teach it Rain Dance and you're ready. Also Vulpix is found in Hammerlocke Hills and the Sunny Day TM is also in Hammerlocke. This is another option.

This is all you need. Also, stock up on some Ultra balls, Net balls (if catching Water- or Bug-types), and Dusk balls (if hunting at night or in a cave). Scizor or Scyther are good False Swipers. Kingler is also a good option. After all this you're good to go.

Hope I helped!

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That doesn't which Pokémon are good though, you just said what the asker said.
Oh then 1 sec
0 votes

Smeargle, as it can learn pretty much any move, which can assist you for hunting. You could teach it false swipe or spore.
