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Rotom-Mow is pretty much your standard Rotom form, but with worse typing. Still, it has great supporting moves like Volt Switch, Will-O-Wisp, Thunder Wave and Trick with a Choice Scarf. It can still do good damage with its Electric STAB and Leaf Storm, though. Is it a good choice for a PU team or is it outclassed by another mon?

Rotom-Mow is a lot better than people give it credit for. Volt Switch/Leaf Storm with good defenses and Life Orb was one of my mains in early SwSh VGC
You'll probably have to wait a couple of weeks or later for the metagame to settle in order to determine if Rotom-Mow is good in PU.
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Yes, Rotom-Mow is a good Pokemon to use in PU

At the time of this post, Rotom-Mow is in Tier 2 on PU's Viability List, basically being one of the "High" rank or one of the A ranks on a Viability Rankings. Rotom-Mow's typing and access to utility moves such as Trick, Will-o-Wisp, and Pain Split make it versatile. Rotom-Mow is usually used as a pivot, being used with either a Choice Scarf or Choice Specs, most likely having Trick on that set. If you look at PU's Role Compedium, you can see what other sets Rotom-Mow can use. Other sets Rotom-Mow can use in PU are Offensive Nasty Plot, Defensive Nasty Plot with Pain Split, or a utility (or physically defensive?) set with Leaf Storm, Volt Switch, Will-o-Wisp, and Pain Split.

TL;DR Rotom-Mow is a good Pokemon in PU since its typing can allow it to serve as a pivot with Choice Scarf or Choice Specs, both Choiced sets most likely using Trick. You can also experiment with Rotom-Mow and use sets such as a Nasty Plot set or a utility set.

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Oh yeah, forgot I even asked this, thanks!