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The first time you go to the Slumbering Weald to save the Wooloo, every time you go in a bush / tall grass patch you can't avoid the wild encounter that comes after you come in. After that, the bushes will not have any more Pokémon in them. Can the wild encounters you're locked in the tall grass be shiny?


1 Answer

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Bulbapedia didn’t say anything about the Shiny Chances on these forced encounters.

These encounters aren’t listed on this site’s list of Pokémon that cannot be shiny.

However, on this other site, it says:
> As we’ve said, pretty much any addition in Sword and Shield can be Shiny apart from a few notable exceptions. We’ve listed them out below for your reference so that there’s no ambiguity:
-Starter Pokemon
-Zacian, Zamazenta, Eternatus
-NPC trades
-Wild Area Pokemon that can’t be caught

The forced encounters can’t be caught since you will not have Pokéballs by that case, but I believe that’s reading between the lines. Also they’re in the Slubering Wealds, not the Wild Area.By what I see it seems the forced encounters aren’t shiny locked. Hope this helped!

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I feel like someone would have posted finding this before... Games been out for four years
There are also a handful of overleveled Pokemon sprinkled on a few routes outside the Wild Area that are uncatchable until you get more badges, and we know that these can be shiny (likely due to an oversight). It wouldn't surprise me if the Pokemon in the Slumbering Weald are the same.