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This might be a silly question, but I'm really confused. I got an Enamorus in a trade on Pokémon Home that had Best in every stat, and since that seemed too good to be true I traded it for another to see if I could get one that seemed legitimate. Repeat process a few times: literally every single one I've gotten has had Best in every stat, perfect IVs across the board. Is Enamorus guaranteed to have perfect stats or have I just been getting a bunch of genned ones?

yeah that's botted lmao

1 Answer

2 votes
Best answer

Not the most reliable of sources, but the existence of this Reddit thread inherently implies that it is possible for it to have imperfect IVs simply based on the experience of the players.

One of the bottom answers on the thread highlighted how genning for Enamorus was well-accepted by many portions of the community simply because of how enormously difficult it is to farm Enamorus at all:

...genning is near-universally accepted, especially in cases like this one. The odds of getting two IVs at 0 or 1 (which give the same stat in VGC) are roughly comparable to a full-odds shiny.

-Reddit user CookEsandcream

Long story short, no, it is not guaranteed by any means, but Enamorus might be one of the most vastly-genned Pokemon since the introduction of said tools because of the way you get it and LoA's whole thing about turning IVs and EVs on their heads. P.S. the top answer of the linked thread shares a guide which drives home the point of how silly of folly it is to IV farm Enamorus.

Hope that's a good answer for my first one in (puts on glasses, checks notes) 21 months. I tried my best, but this may be the closest to definitive evidence we get.

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I have absolutely no idea if the math checks out on that "full-odds shiny" IV odds, by the way. The calculation for that was not provided. It wasn't exactly the question, though so...
The three guaranteed 31s have to dodge two specific stats, then each of those stats has to roll a 1/16 low-end range, for total odds of 1/1280. It's more in line with Shiny Charm odds, which are three times as likely as "full odds".
Yeah, that makes a lot of sense tbh. It totally makes sense that Enamorus would be widely genned since it's such a pain to get, I just personally prefer to play with mons that aren't genned. Thank you!