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Is there a way to get a Pokemon to use its physical attack stat to calculate snore's damage, like how wonder room switches its 2 defense stats?
In Gen 3, Snore was physical, so we might be able to do something with that.
On Gen 9 random battles rn, the Ursaring that you can be randomly generated to have has Guts and Eviolite, with the only way to inflict status on itself being Rest, which it carries, along with Sleep Talk. Other two moves are Body Slam and Crunch iirc. This leads me to believe sleep works as a Guts activator.

Snore shouldn't matter, when it was physical it was affected by Guts, and now that it's not, it's not affected by Guts.

1 Answer

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Best answer

Tl;dr moves called by Sleep Talk are affected by Guts, and so is Snore prior to Gen IV. If you're interested in the calcs, keep reading.

Sleep Talk isn't a damaging move, so it isn't affected by Guts. However, a physical move called through Sleep Talk will have its damage boosted by Guts:

0 Atk Guts Ursaring Tackle vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Abra: 289-342 (151.3 - 179%) -- guaranteed OHKO

This calculation is shown when "Asleep" is selected as the status condition in Pokemon Showdown's Damage Calculator. Compare this to when no status condition is selected:

0 Atk Ursaring Tackle vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Abra: 193-228 (101 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

This proves that being asleep procs Guts.

As for Snore, it's a special move in recent gens -- it won't ever be boosted by Guts. However, we can go back to Generation III, when it was a physical move instead. From here, we can carry out the standard calculations.

0 Atk Guts Ursaring Snore vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Abra: 290-342 (151.8 - 179%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Compared to no status condition selected:

0 Atk Ursaring Snore vs. 0 HP / 0 Def Abra: 193-228 (101 - 119.3%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Thus, Snore does receive boosted damage from Guts.

It is important to note that Guts boosts the Attack stat, and not the damage of moves. In other words, when a move is "boosted" by Guts, it simply does more damage because of Guts' boost to Attack, rather than because of any change in a move's power.

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