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User -Eclipse-

Member for: 4 years (since Aug 9, 2020)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Pronouns are he/him but it depends on who asks.
Country: I still don't understand why people say bo'le o' wo'er instead of "bottle of water". Where did that difference in accents originate? Yeah I'm British I hate this place
Favorite Pokémon: Infernape, Lucario, Staraptor, Umbreon, Jolteon, Floatzel, Ceruledge, Hisuian Zoroark, Darkrai, Lunala, Ursaluna, Cresselia, Lunatone, Munna, Musharna, Celesteela, Clefairy, Minior
Friend Codes:
About me: Greetings. I'm sure you know who I am, and if you do not then I do not know what to say.

Quick tl;dr for those who don't want to read this entire block of text:
Call me Eclipse, I like Zinnia, I watch anime, I can help you with certain school subjects if you want, quickest way to contact me is Discord.

Commence the wall of text.

You can call me Cosmic, Eclipse, Ape, whatever the hell you want. If you want to call me by my real name, I'm not telling you. There's a few people (Like 8 or something idk) on this site, as far as I know, who know my real name, and you'll have to find them. Unless you find one of them, stick to calling me Eclipse or something. If you see anyone calling me Riri, please do not follow suite unless I ask you to. If you see anyone calling me "Richard", then said someone is probably a deranged 2 year old shiny hunter. You know who you are. The name Nebby is accepted from 2 people only.

If you're wondering about the grav, don't worry. I am too.

My favourite item is the Lunar Wing, if you wanted to know. My favourite move is Lunar Blessing, and my favourite ability is Shadow Shield. You might be seeing a pattern here. Lunala is my *second* favourite Pokemon after Infernape. I can't abandon my guy. Favourite type is Dark, favourite gym leader is Allister. Honestly I don't like Piers more than Allister despite Piers being the only Dark type gym leader purely because Allister is the best and a few people close to me like Allister too.

Name changes:

TheMasterApe ---> Cosmic Eclipse ---> -Eclipse-

Unfortunately, I come with grave news. I do not like cookies as much as I used to. Shocker, I know.

Also the best theme in Pokemon is Zinnia's theme from ORAS and I won't let anyone tell me otherwise. Unless you say Cynthia's theme. Then I'll let you tell me that just to give myself a reason to beat the ever living crap out of you. And I will enjoy every second of it. I have believed in this since ORAS came out and I will die on this hill. If there's one thing that Smash did right in terms of OST, it's Zinnia's theme. Honestly, I'm not sure what type of maniac you have to be to not like her Smash theme. Second best theme in Pokemon is "Lament of Falling Stars", i.e Zinnia's sorrow theme. She just has amazing themes. Honestly Zinnia should come back and I'm ready to start a revolution if it doesn't happen within the next few years. Zinnia best fictional girl.

I would like to take this opportunity to tell you that Eternabeam is just tackle but stronger, dragon type, a recharge move, special attacking, and distributed to different Pokemon.
They are both moves.
They are both usable in Sword and Shield
Infernape cannot learn both
Both were introduced in a generation where Pokemon exist.
Eternabeam = Tackle.

I watch anime. Yeah. I don't know what else to say.  ̶M̶u̶i̶c̶h̶i̶r̶o̶ ̶T̶o̶k̶i̶t̶o̶ ̶b̶e̶s̶t̶ ̶b̶o̶y̶  Second best. Izumi Miyamura best boy. ...Yeah, this is probably gonna update a lot more as I watch more anime. Anime/Anime-movies I have watched include:

Darling in the FranXX
The Eminence in Shadow (Season One)
Spy x Family (Season One)
Death Note
Demon Slayer (Season Three)
I want to eat your pancreas (It's a real movie and it's one of the saddest I've seen please please please ignore the title)
The Angel Next Door spoils me rotten
Horimiya (My personal favourite)

"Oh you didn't use the Japanese names you're not a real anime fan" shut the fuck up

I'm above average at a few subjects at school, English language and literature being two of them. If you want, I can analyse a few stories here and there, or just help with general stuff. If you need help with homework, I may be available, but don't count on it please. Do your homework. And please, if you do not know how to solve 2x-1=5, I am going to yell at you.

I've said this before and I will say it again. Caviar is one of the world's worst creations and I feel like we should dump all caviar into a bottomless pit.

I'll be online in 10 minutes, and if I'm not then just read my About Me again. And again. And again. Until you spiral into insanity. Trust me, I know about being insane.

If you want to contact me outside of this site, best way to do so is through Discord.

Showdown! user is Irreblade.

My birthday is on the 2nd of October, if you want to know. Please do not sing happy birthday. For the love of god and everything holy. Please do not.

Do you really have the right to say you love someone if you've made them go through hell on Earth for no reason other than selfish, meaningless desires?

Imagine playing Arknights.

Activity by -Eclipse-

Score: 1,770 points (ranked #196)
Questions: 21 (21 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 47 (39 chosen as best)
Comments: 147
Voted on: 13 questions, 151 answers
Gave out: 143 up votes, 21 down votes
Received: 101 up votes, 4 down votes

Wall for -Eclipse-

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you understand why they call me King right
4 days ago by BM™
heh. i know nothing about how any of you are. if you ever do come back, i wouldn't shut you out. it wouldn't be the same. some of you might even hate me. i've definitely hurt people. but i want to talk to you again. i tried to move on, you know, tried to forget. it was the healthy choice. but i couldn't do it. i couldn't erase all of that from my head. eight months of my life, so many ups and downs, and you and your friends were there, as my friends. so much has changed since then, and yet so much is still the same. i feel so conflicted. i hate that i tried to move on, but i also hate that i couldn't do it. i can't get everything out of my head. if and when you come back, i'd really like to talk again. even if you cut me off after. just so i know you're all ok, and to at least say hi since you were all ripped away from me. if it was all ever even real to begin with. i hope it was. i don't know when, or even if, you'll ever see this. and i don't care who else stumbles across this message. i'm just letting you know that i never stopped thinking about all of you.
Feb 24 by Spex
First post in two years
Jan 18 by BM™
Oop I just beat Ace trainer Zachery in Brilliant Diamond yeah bro that's DEFINITELY me
Dec 31, 2024 by Mr. Fish
Bullets may fly round, but I lay down
I feel safe and sound on solid ground
Dec 6, 2024 by BM™
Thorns got an English VA and an Alter
Dec 2, 2024 by BM™
Dang where'd you go?
Nov 24, 2024 by Mr. Fish
best boy
Nov 6, 2024 by BM™
i miss you so much
Nov 5, 2024 by Spex
best boy
Oct 23, 2024 by Starry Whisper