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If you have a good competitive moveset for Armarouge, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for any of its pre-evolutions can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some explanation, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Armarouge Pokedex & learnset for reference.

Armarouge sprite

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10 Answers

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Format: Gen 9 Doubles OU

Armarouge (M) @ Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Wide Guard
- Expanding Force
- Armor Cannon
- Trick Room

- Wide Guard Protects against rockslide from Lando, Ttar, GTusk, Kleavor, and possibly Dragonite hoping for a flinch on who ever is using trickroom. Opposing Torkoal Eruptions, Snarls from Chi-yu, Goldengos make it rain, and Earthquakes will also be nullified for the turn.
- Expanding Force Indeedee’s “Psychic Surge” sets up psychic terrain which enables expanding force to hit both foes and boosts it by 50%, and with psychic terrain boosting the power of psychic type moves by 30% + STAB and terra psychic double STAB with life orbs 30% boost makes a satisfying move to just click and knock out your opps.
- Armor Cannon Strong STAB to bypass wide guard and with helping hand it OHKOS Chi-yu in sun, it’s mainly used to nuke.
- Trick Room Have Armarouge set up TR with follow me or protect indeedee with WG while it uses TR to reverse your slow team’s turn order.


Indeedee-F sets up psychic terrain, which importantly disables priority moves, don’t have to worry about SP or JP at all, she has excellent utility in follow me and helping hand, plus she has decent spread moves in hyper voice and dazzling gleam.

Torkoal has access to Lava Plume so it can attack while activating Armarouge’s Flash Fire to power up its own Fire type moves. Torkoals drought nerfs waters and powers up Armarouge’s armor cannon even more. His eruption along with expanding force also makes a strong combo.

Amoongus will give good support for Amarouge and Torkoal because of its Rage powder, Pollen Puff, and Spore. It’s a defensive answer to Palifin and can use Pollen Puff on Torkoal to keep it healthy while it uses Eruption and can heal off Armarouges life orb damage.

And lastly Enamorus Therian has good synergy because while steel and poison types are handled by Armarouge, she blows away the Dark types that would otherwise stall out TR and waste Armarouge’s EF. Enamorus is equipped with spread moves in Springtide Storm and Dazzling Gleam which help with offensive pressure and notably is immune to powder moves like spore because of her ability “Overcoat”.

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Any thoughts
Why are you running 252 HP EVs if you aren’t going for a bulkier set? The only reason I see for the HP is to live a hit before TR activates, but it already has reasonable bulk, especially sending out against a physically attacking opponent.
Sure putting Evs in either defense adds to that defense more but HP accounts for both defenses so It accounts for more scenarios. And I want Armorouges SpA as high as possible.
I didn’t downvote, I think it’s a fine moveset given my limited knowledge of the doubles meta.
It's not bad, but maybe add Focus Blast to hit Tyranitar?
0 votes

Tera Raid Set

Armarouge @ Light Clay
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Mystical Fire
- Clear Smog
- Acid Spray
- Light Screen

This build is only for raids against Special Attack reliant Pokémon. Using Mystical Fire and Acid Spray, you can weaken the opponent even while their Tera Shield is up. Leading with Light Screen is a smart choice, though to reduce the special damage even further. Clear Smog is here to eliminate stray, problematic buffs or to assist teammates that have taken debuffs.

Singles Set

Armarouge @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 6 HP / 252 SpA / 252 SpD
Modest Nature
- Mystical Fire
- Psychic
- Acid Spray
- Will-O-Wisp

This set is meant to throw off expectations a bit, as most competetive players expect a physically bulky Armarouge. Mystical Fire, Will-O-Wisp and Acid Spray make any switch in rather risky, while Weakness Policy and Weak Armor can punish opponents who choose to remain in play.

An Armarouge can answer both Dondozo and Garganacl that may expect you to switch and to avoid the type disadvantage. Terastalizing rather than taking the Super Effective hit is an option mid game, and it will result in an unboosted 2HKO on both of them (though if Dondozo has Max Sp. Def and HP he has a small chance of surviving).

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0 votes

Since no one posted a Choice Specs set yet, I will.

Gen 9 Monotype Choice Specs (Psychic)

Armarouge @ Choice Specs
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Timid Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Armor Cannon
- Expanding Force
- Focus Blast
- Energy Ball

Choice Specs gives Armarouge immediate breaking power for Psychic teams in Monotype. This set must have Indeedee for a teammate since Indeedee has Psychic Surge to setup Psychic Terrain. Armor Cannon is used for a powerful Fire STAB move. Expanding Force is used for a Psychic STAB that gets a 1.5x boost in Psychic Terrain, making it 120 BP move when Psychic Terrain is up. Focus Blast targets Dark-types such as Roaring Moon, Hydreigon, Tyranitar, and Ting-Lu. Energy Ball is used for Water-types such as Gastrodon, Quagsire, Slowbro, Slowking, and Rotom-Wash and Dondozo when Psychic Terrain isn't up.

Like I said earlier, Indeedee is a mandatory teammate so Expanding Force can have a BP of 120 when Psychic Terrain is up. Psychic Terrain also protects Armarouge from priority, which can make Armarouge harder to revenge kill should Armarouge get the x2 speed boost from Weak Armor, the Ability for this set.

0 votes

National Dex Monotype Calm Mind (Psychic)

Armarouge @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 248 HP / 212 Def / 32 SpD / 16 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Aura Sphere
- Stored Power
- Iron Defense

A Calm Mind set Armarouge uses on Psycheap team- I mean Psyhic Screens HO. Calm Mind boosts Armarouge's Special Attack and Special Defense. Iron Defense is used to boost Armarouge's Defense stat, making it harder to kill when Armarouge sets up Calm Mind and Iron Defense. Stored Power is used as the Psychic STAB since it gets powerful due to the boosts from Calm Mind, Iron Defense, and Weak Armor. Aura Sphere allows Armarouge to say no to Dark-types not named Mega Sableye. Weakness Policy lets Armarouge get a boost to its Special Attack and Attack when hit by a super effective move, making Stored Power more powerful. This set should be used when you have a screen or both screens up.

The EV spread was passed to me by a Showdown Player named Bka Onon. 212 Defense EVs along with Bold Nature are used to live moves such as Knock Off from Meowscarada, Headlong Rush/Earthquake from Great Tusk, and +2 Kowtow Cleave/Sucker Punch from Kingambit. This lets you setup in front of Kingambit. 248 HP EVs are used over 252 HP EVs to make Armarouge take less Stealth Rock damage. 16 Speed EVs allow Armarouge to outspeed non- Choice Scarf Meowscarada/Greninja at a +2 Speed boost from Weak Armor. The rest of the EVs are used in Special Defense since they are leftover EVs.

0 votes

You wanna hear a joke?
boosts to ungodly levels of power

Armarouge @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 252 SpA / 4 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Energy Ball
- Iron Defense
- Armor Cannon
- Stored Power

This is just stupid. I was going to upload this on April Fools, but I didn't have the time so I'm uploading it now. First, you use Iron Defense. This works especially well if you are faster. If they strike back with a super effective move, you win. The Weakness Policy is used, and Weak Armor activates, leaving you with 8 boosts. Stored Power now has 180 base power. Flamethrower is recommended so you don't lose any of those precious boosts.

Fun Calcs Time!

+2 252+ SpA Tera Psychic Armarouge Stored Power (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 0 SpD Hatterene: 408-480 (128.3 - 150.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ SpA Tera Psychic Armarouge Stored Power (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Alomomola: 1552-1826 (290.6 - 341.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

+2 252+ SpA Tera Psychic Armarouge Stored Power (180 BP) vs. 252 HP / 4 SpD Unaware Dondozo: 590-696 (117 - 138%) -- guaranteed OHKO

I didn't try this set out, so nothing else today. Have fun!


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Red Hot Shot (Armarouge) @ Quick Claw
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 184 HP / 16 Def / 132 SpA / 176 SpD
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Acid Spray
- Psychic
- Flamethrower
- Shadow Ball

Sometimes I hear people with abnormally good aim being called a Hot Shot. So the Fire Type Special Attacker that is Armarouge is called Red Hot Shot because he's a Hot Shot that Red Hot (God I deserve nothing in life). The item and ability department really isn't my favorite set of options in Armarouge. But a Quick Claw is always helpful because I find that Armarouge is really slow so the Quick Claw helps turn the tides every now and again. In terms of ability, Armarouge's ability set is wacky. Flash Fire is better than Weak Armor by a lot but it's still not great because no sane VGC player is gonna use a Fire move on Armarouge. But here comes the good stuff. A Modest Nature on Armarouge is the most optimal choice but using Acid Spray 1 time on an opponent early is so helpful because of the drastic decreasing of the enemy SpD. Psychic and Flamethrower are STAB moves for this hard hitter. Finally Shadow Ball is the one piece of Ghost coverage on my main team who's main types are Grass/Water/Fairy/Dark/Dragon/Steel/Poison/Fighting/Flying and the Fire Psychic typing of Armarouge. Let me know what you think of my set and I'll update with the constructive criticism

0 votes

Gen 9 NU Calm Mind + Iron Defense

Armarouge @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Fairy / Fighting
EVs: 252 HP / 120 Def / 136 Spe
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Iron Defense
- Stored Power
- Flamethrower / Aura Sphere

Since Armarouge is now NU, here is a Calm Mind + Iron Defense set Armarouge can use in NU. Calm Mind and Iron Defense allow Armarouge to boost its defense stats and its Special Attack stat so it can become a scary wincon. Since Armarouge boosts its Defense with Iron Defense and its Special Attack with Calm Mind, Armarouge can take a super effective hit to activate Weakness policy, with the Attack and Special Attack boost making Armarouge's Psychic STAB, Stored Power, more powerful. Iron Defense means Armarouge can boost its defense enough to live physical hits so it can have the Weak Armor boosts to boost its Speed stat and Stored Power's power. Flamethrower is used for the Fire STAB since this set would rather not want to lower the defense stats with Armor Cannon. Tera Fairy is used to allow Armarouge to resist Dark moves and still be able to resist Fighting moves. You can use Tera Fighting with Aura Sphere over Flamethrower to hit Incineroar super effectively, the only Dark-type in the tier who resists Flamethrower.

252 HP EVs are used for bulk. 136 Speed EVs allow Armarouge to outspeed Adamant Grimmsnarl. The rest of the EVs are used in Defense with a Bold Nature. You can play around with the Speed EVs if you want a bulkier EV spread or creep a faster Pokemon.

Not the trick room user!
I don’t think this is for Trick Room since Weak Armor is in the set.
Yeah, this isn't a Trick Room set if you thought this was a Trick Room set.
No, in DOU, Armarouge is paired with Indeedee to set up TR
0 votes

Gen 9 Offensive Calm Mind

Armarouge @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Fairy / Psychic
EVs: 252 SpA / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Endure
- Armor Cannon
- Stored Power / Expanding Force

An offensive Calm Mind set Armarouge can use in Gen 9 NU. This set allows Armarouge to overwhelm teams with its ability to rack up multiple stat boosts. Calm Mind lets Armarouge boost its Special Attack and Special Defense stats to make it a potent wincon. Endure is used to let Armarouge survive a strong physical attack, which allows Armarouge to get a +2 speed boost from Weak Armor and a potential boost to Armarouge's Attack and Special Attack stats should it get hit with a super effective move. The boosts help with Armarouge's Stored Power to make it really powerful. Armor Cannon is used for the Fire STAB so Armarouge can break past Dark-types such as Alolan Muk, Overqwil, and Grimmsnarl. Stored Power is used for the Psychic STAB since it gets powerful when Armarouge has multiple stat boosts, which is quite easy to obtain with Armarouge. Expanding Force can be used if you use Armarouge on a Psychic Terrain team so Armarouge can have a poweful nuke Psychic STAB while Psychic Terrain is up. Tera Fairy is used to turn Armarouge's Dark weakness into a resist. Tera Psychic is an option if you use Armarouge on a Psychic Terrain so its Expanding Force can be really powerful.

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Gen 9 RU Offensive Armarouge

Armarouge @ Heavy-Duty Boots
Ability: Weak Armor
Tera Type: Grass
EVs: 252 SpA / 100 SpD / 156 Spe
Modest Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Calm Mind
- Psychic
- Armor Cannon/Flamethrower
- Energy Ball

With Armarouge, you get a fairly bulky and fairly nice sweeper. Heavy-Duty Boots will negate all damage from hazards like Spikes or Stealth Rock. Weak Armor will give +2 Speed and -1 Defense for every time its hit by a physical move. Grass Tera for coverage against Water/Ground weakness and boosts Energy Ball if you use it. Modest will give you a +SpA -Atk Nature so you can hit harder. Calm Mind is a great move as it will boost your SpD and SpA. Psychic is a 90 BP move that has a 10% chance to lower SpD. Armor Cannon is 120 BP but comes at the cost of your SpD and Def being lowered, so Flamethrower can be used as a safer option. Energy Ball brings coverage against Water, Rock, and Ground, 3 of Armarouge's weaknesses.

What Armarouge brings to a team
- A reliable sweeper, that with Weak Armor, can destroy teams.
- Bug-, Ice-, Grass-, Steel-, Fighting-, Poison-, Water-, Rock-, and Ground-type coverage

Hope you enjoy this set!

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–1 vote

Gen 9 OU singles tanky special attacker set
Armarouge @ Leftovers
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Fire
EVs: 4 HP / 192 Def / 252 SpA
Bold Nature
- Armor Cannon
- Flamethrower
- Psychic
- Energy Ball

Tera Type: Fire (chose it because I couldn’t be bothered)

Armor Cannon is a strong special fire move. Flamethrower is in case you either run out of Armor Cannon PP, or if you’re worried about the Defense drops. Psychic is for Psychic STAB. And Energy Ball is for Water, Ground, And Rock coverage.

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Any thoughts?
why is this downvoted? +1 is good answer
This set doesn't have complete EVs.
Wouldn't we just put the remaining EVs into SpD?