Format: Gen 9 Doubles OU

Armarouge (M) @
Life Orb
Ability: Flash Fire
Tera Type: Psychic
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Def / 252 SpA
Quiet Nature
IVs: 0 Spe
- Wide Guard
- Expanding Force
- Armor Cannon
- Trick Room
- Wide Guard Protects against rockslide from Lando, Ttar, GTusk, Kleavor, and possibly Dragonite hoping for a flinch on who ever is using trickroom. Opposing Torkoal Eruptions, Snarls from Chi-yu, Goldengos make it rain, and Earthquakes will also be nullified for the turn.
- Expanding Force Indeedee’s “Psychic Surge” sets up psychic terrain which enables expanding force to hit both foes and boosts it by 50%, and with psychic terrain boosting the power of psychic type moves by 30% + STAB and terra psychic double STAB with life orbs 30% boost makes a satisfying move to just click and knock out your opps.
- Armor Cannon Strong STAB to bypass wide guard and with helping hand it OHKOS Chi-yu in sun, it’s mainly used to nuke.
- Trick Room Have Armarouge set up TR with follow me or protect indeedee with WG while it uses TR to reverse your slow team’s turn order.

Indeedee-F sets up psychic terrain, which importantly disables priority moves, don’t have to worry about SP or JP at all, she has excellent utility in follow me and helping hand, plus she has decent spread moves in hyper voice and dazzling gleam.

Torkoal has access to Lava Plume so it can attack while activating Armarouge’s Flash Fire to power up its own Fire type moves. Torkoals drought nerfs waters and powers up Armarouge’s armor cannon even more. His eruption along with expanding force also makes a strong combo.

Amoongus will give good support for Amarouge and Torkoal because of its Rage powder, Pollen Puff, and Spore. It’s a defensive answer to Palifin and can use Pollen Puff on Torkoal to keep it healthy while it uses Eruption and can heal off Armarouges life orb damage.

And lastly Enamorus Therian has good synergy because while steel and poison types are handled by Armarouge, she blows away the Dark types that would otherwise stall out TR and waste Armarouge’s EF. Enamorus is equipped with spread moves in Springtide Storm and Dazzling Gleam which help with offensive pressure and notably is immune to powder moves like spore because of her ability “Overcoat”.