Gen 9 Monotype Choice Band (Ground)

Ting-Lu @ Choice Band
Ability: Vessel of Ruin
Tera Type: Dark
EVs: 28 HP / 252 Atk / 184 SpD / 44 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Throat Chop
- Heavy Slam
- Stone Edge
With Pokemon such as Gastrodon, Clodsire, and Clodsire being able to setup hazards for Ground teams, Ting-Lu can use different sets such as a Choice Band set. While Choice Band Ting-Lu is far from the standard defensive set, the set is funny, and the surprise factor is definitely there. Earthquake is Ting-Lu's most powerful STAB move. Throat Chop is Ting-Lu's only good physical Dark STAB that is useful against Pokemon such as Slowbro and Brambleghast. Heavy Slam allows Ting-Lu to nail Fairy-types such as Iron Valiant and Hatterene. Stone Edge allows Ting-Lu to hit Flying-types such as Kilowattrel, Gyarados, Iron Jugulis, Dragonite, and Bombirdier.
252 Attack EVs allow Ting-Lu to hit as hard as possible. 44 Speed EVs allow Ting-Lu to outspeed base 50 Pokemon such as Iron Hands. The rest of the EVs are honestly just to maximize Ting-Lu's special bulk.