Gen 9 NU Physically Defensive

Bellibolt @ Rocky Helmet
Ability: Static
Tera Type: Water / Flying
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpA
Bold Nature
IVs: 0 Atk
- Toxic
- Slack Off
- Volt Switch
- Muddy Water / Chilling Water / Soak
Since Bellibolt is in NU, here is a Physically Defensive set it can use there. Physically Defensive Bellibolt with Rocky Helmet and Static is nice to punish physical wallbreakers such as Mienshao and Gyarados for using moves that make contact with Bellibolt. Bellibolt appreciates being able to learn Toxic, as it allows Bellibolt to spread poison against opposing Pokemon to put them on a timer. Slack Off lets Bellibolt have a form of reliable HP recovery so it can stay around longer to tank hits physical wallbreakers. Volt Switch is used for the Electric STAB to allow Bellibolt to switch out and bring in a teammate. Since Bellibolt is slow, you can potentially get a slow Volt Switch to bring in a powerful wallbreaker that doesn't want to take a lot of damage when it comes out to wallbreak. The last slot is a filler move since Bellibolt doesn't exactly have a huge movepool. Muddy Water lets Bellibolt chip Ground-types not named Gastrodon or Water Absorb Quagsire. Chilling Water is an option to lower the attack of opposing Pokemon, making it harder for physical wallbreakers to break past Bellibolt. Soak is an option to change the type of opposing Pokemon to a Water-type. This has a couple of purposes. 1. Changing a Pokemon's type to Water makes opposing Pokemon weak to Volt Switch, allowing Bellibolt to get off more chip damage. You can also pivot out against Ground-types with Volt Switch once you turn them into a Water-type. :D 2. After changing the type to Water with Soak, Bellibolt can poison Steel- and Posion-types such as Registeel, Copperajah, Magnezone, Alolan Muk, Vileplume, Overqwil, and Dragalge. Rocky Helmet is used for the item to force chip on Pokemon who make contact with Bellibolt. Static allows Bellibolt to potentially punish Pokemon who make contact with it. Tera Water is used to boost the power of Muddy Water or Chilling Water if you use one of those moves for the last slot. You can also do Tera Flying so Bellibolt can have an immunity to Ground moves.