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Only competitive singles and doubles.

In a nutshell: Toxtricity is a Gen 1 Flareon. Nice on paper but hampered by the ineffectual combination of cool abilities.
You can make up your own format where Gmax Toxtricity is the only Pokemon allowed.
4x weak to Ground isn't exactly helping his chances, and while its movepool is ok, it's outclassed by enough other things to be forgettable.
I can't make a format
I would say that Toxtricity is a very neat pokemon concept-wise, being immune to paralysis and Poison conditions but  unfortunately , It has no coverage for its weaknesses, its 4x weakness to Ground and 2x to Psychic. It lacks the speed  to outspeed anything. It doesn't help it the fact that It needs Shift Gear (as Amped Form) to boost it's inferior 98 base attack stat instead of it's great 114 SpA stat as well as it's awful speed. Most Toxtricity run Throat Spray to boost their SpA after using Boomburst or Overdrive, and that's the only good thing about it
A competitive battle format is a set of rules that people follow in a Pokemon battle. If you say "let's do a battle where both of us use only a Gmax Toxtricity" and someone else agrees, then you have successfully created a format.
Even in formats where Toxtricity isn't completely terrible, its GMax form is generally inferior to its regular form, since you give up the ability to set Electric Terrain while Dynamaxed. A coin flip between inflicting paralysis (can be useful) or poison (rarely helpful in formats that allow DMax) is too unreliable when compared to the guaranteed 30% boost to electric moves that Max Lightning gives.

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Toxtricity is not viable in any of the formats that allow teambuilding, allow Dynamax, and have a permanent Showdown! ladder.
(please tell me if I missed a format)
If you want to use Gmax Toxtricity in competitive, you can try the several dozen obscure formats in Random Other Metagames or Pet Mods or create your own format or pet mod.

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