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I’m playing the gen 1 remakes for the first time. I figured it was about time.

So far, I decided my team will be

And maybe, the traded Mr. Mime.

however, as I’m in Mt. Moon, I noticed both my Ivysaur and Nidorino are dead to a Psychic type attack.

So I was like “my last team member should be a Ghost type!” But the only one I can think of is Gastly, who’s a Poison type. No go.

Bugs are cool and all but…………….. they also aren’t. would rather not, especially since a lot are half Poison anyways.

and then I remembered since this is Gen 3, Dark types have been added. But it looks like Murkrow is post-game, and I can’t think of any others that may have been added.

Is there any other Dark or Ghost types available in FRLG? Since I haven’t played the games before, I honestly can’t think of any other options that are obtainable.

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3 Answers

1 vote
Best answer

As no Kanto Pokemon were retconned to the Dark type, and FR/LG uses the Kanto Pokedex until the postgame, there's no way you can get a Dark type legitimately without trading. The only Ghost type legitimately accessible without trading is Haunter, which isn't exactly the best (plus it's a Poison type). In short, you're out of luck if you want a Dark type Pokemon.

...But, what about Dark type moves? Your Raichu, Nidoking and Mr. Mime can learn Thief (TM46 in Mt. Moon), and Ninetales can learn Faint Attack via breeding. Vaporeon learns Bite at Level 30, which is probably the best (lol) Dark move you can get with your current team, as Thief isn't very good. With solid Special Attack and Special Defense, Vaporeon can use it fairly effectively.

It should be noted that Persian is also rather easy to get and can learn Bite, Thief, and Faint Attack. However, Persian's Special Attack is subpar, so Vaporeon may be the better play. If you choose not to use the Mr. Mime though, Persian is a somewhat viable alternative with slightly below-average stats. On the bright side, it easily gets several Dark type moves via level up (and Slash).

The only Pokemon that learn Crunch in Gen III are Nidoran (F), Nidorina, Growlithe, and Rhyhorn. Growlithe and Rhyhorn must breed for it, while Nidoran (F) and Nidorina must wait until fairly high levels to obtain it. This typically isn't worth it, as Nidoqueen is available much sooner and is in most cases much better.

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I think I’m going to pick this one because it provided multiple alternatives

Thanks everyone uwu
1 vote

According to this, the only ghost type in the kanto dex is Gastly and there is no dark type available. The rest like Sneasel, Tyranitar and Misdraevus only appear once you have the nat dex

1 vote

All Non-Kanto Pokemon are unobtainable in FRLG before you obtain the National Dex. This is to make the experience as similar to the original games as possible.

This goes to the extent that Pokemon like Golbat can not evolve into Crobat before obtaining the National Dex. The game won't let you.

Other source (If you read the description, it says the same thing I'm saying.)
