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It was OU in Gen 7

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2 Answers

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Best answer

In a nutshell, it can run any set it wants and even in the face of ten counters, it can still succeed. From specs to wp sg cm under screens. Aside from that, another thing that truly makes Magearna a pain in the ass is its bottomless movepool. It has access to thunderbolt, ice beam, energy ball, focus blast and flash cannon to name a few which is further compounded by its ability that basically functions as a special moxie. If you want the full details, you can find it here

Thanks to the Steel/Fairy typing and 80 / 115 / 115 bulk, getting in safely is not a problem for Magearna either. While we recognize that Pokemon like Assault Vest Slowking-Galar and and bulky Volcarona are able to minimize the effectiveness of Choice Specs Magearna, they still allow for free Volt Switches into more threatening teammates. This makes Choice Specs Magearna a suffocating presence as even in match-ups where it is not necessarily going to be the breaking force in gameplans, it is still seen as a major catalyst

Choice Specs Magearna is arguably the most consistent variant of Magearna. 130 base special attack makes it one of the strongest special attackers in OU, which goes a long way when paired with a strong STAB move like Fleur Cannon and a slew of complimentary moves. In terms of the other attacking options, Flash Cannon is oftentimes utilized as another STAB option. In addition, Focus Blast is a strong coverage option used to devastate Steel types like Heatran, Excadrill, and Ferrothorn. Finally, Volt Switch is a staple on this set to generate momentum and threaten Waters like Toxapex. While it is true that a handful of Pokemon can check it and many options can win the 1v1 vs it, in practice Choice Specs Magearna can quickly grow problematic. Be it through boosted Volt Switches wearing out would-be checks like Toxapex and Slowking or through timely Tricks neutralizing special walls like Blissey and Heatran, Choice Specs Magearna is one of the best Pokemon at forcing progress each time it enters the battle.

Magearna has a plethora of different set-up variants. It has access to boosting moves such as Shift Gear, Calm Mind, and even Iron Defense that gives it a variety of options. In conjunction with the abundance of coverage options it has and the great offensive and defensive stats, this can make Magearna extremely frustrating to deal with. The most common boosting variant takes advantage of Stored Power, which gives Magearna great snowballing potential when paired with Weakness Policy, screens, its ability Soul Heart, or even ordinary free turns to set-up and increase its strength.

Overall, Magearna is arguably the best Pokemon in the metagame; there may be some counterplay present, but it is very limited and varies greatly depending upon the set it is using. Magearna imposes restrictions on teambuilding due to how oppressive the Choice Specs set is and how versatile it is overall with the boosting variants. Even if you prepare for it sufficiently, there is a possibility that it will continue to give you issues due to how effective the Choice Specs variant is at forcing progress, wearing down defensive cores, and crippling opposing Pokemon.

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First, you might want to cite your source.
Second, can you explain why Magearna is more broken in gen 8 OU than gen 7 OU?
The source is already cited. There's a link in the answer. As for why it is more broken, gen eight ou is generally not as strong as gen seven ou. Gen seven had all the crazy megas and z moves running around and even something as good as Magearna can easily be overwhelmed. Dexit also certainly helped since some threats are now gone like Greninja
oops I can't read
Also I don't think Greninja was ever a threat to Magearna. The biggest threats that are now gone are probably mega Scizor or Gliscor.
It depended on the set. AV variants can somewhat stave off Ash Gren but will lose to protean Gren with the z dig stuff. Terrains also hurt more than they do now so even something like Lele can eventually brute force its way thru. I also don't think that Magearna had access to stored power in gen seven which makes its setup moves a bit underwhelming
–2 votes

Magearna isn't a Uber Pokemon, however you can use a Specially Defensive Magearna that may work on this tier.

Move 1	Heart Swap                   Item	Leftovers / Normalium Z 
Move 2	Fleur Cannon                Ability Soul-Heart
Move 3	Volt Switch                    Nature Calm
Move 4	Heal Bell / Pain Split    EVs 252 HP, 4 Def, 252 SpD  

Usage Tips
Magearna should be switched into threats it walls, with the most common ones being Xerneas, Yveltal, Deoxys-A, and support Arceus formes, to absorb damage that its teammates would otherwise have a hard time handling.
It is worth noting that Magearna can make a use of its Steel typing to switch into the majority of the support Arceus formes and passive foes like Lugia and Chansey to absorb Toxic.
Due to Magearna's predictable and passive moveset, the opposing team will almost always switch into threats like Primal Groudon, Necrozma-DM, and Ho-Oh that do not mind any attacking moves from Magearna and will offensively force it out. The former one especially blocks Volt Switch, so one should consider double switching before mindlessly pressing it with Magearna. If there is a risk involved in double switching, it is better to simply use Fleur Cannon or Heal Bell and switch out afterwards.
Especially if one's team is reliant on Magearna as a check to Xerneas, Dugtrio should be avoided by any means necessary; although it is OHKOed by Fleur Cannon on switch, it can trap Magearna by switching in on a predicted Volt Switch or simply double switching in and proceeding to OHKO Magearna next turn.
Although Magearna is good at taking special attacks, it is always beneficial to scout for unexpected coverage moves such as Fire Blast and Earth Power from Arceus formes and Heat Wave from Yveltal, as these will heavily damage Magearna, which is detrimental due to its lack of reliable recovery. Especially in the case of Calm Mind Arceus formes, they will aim to lure in Magearna and wear it down with their coverage moves to put it in a range of boosted attacks. Xerneas is inclined to wear down Magearna with multiple use of Hidden Power Ground or Hidden Power Fire, which are quite weak without Geomancy boosts but are going to put Magearna into range of a boosted attack later in the match.


I don't think this answers the question. It's not the best worded question, but it's almost certainly asking why Magearna is in the Ubers tier, which has nothing to do with being useful in the Ubers format. Ferrothorn is in the OU tier despite being more useful than Magearna in the Ubers format, and Cinderace is in the Ubers tier despite being totally useless in the Ubers format. If this is confusing, read the tiering FAQ and tiering policy. https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/tiering-faq.3644714/ https://www.smogon.com/forums/threads/tiering-policy-framework.3628026/