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Pheromosa's Speed is outstanding, it's attacking power is very good, but it's bulk is awful, which means that it can be easily KO'd by a priority move/Choice Scarfers. With all the Bullet Punches Scizor can throw around, how is it in Ubers?

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Banded U-Turn is quite the pivot, being quite devastating, quick, and not easily countered.
Very strong U-turn, destroys a lot of balance with its great typing, scizor and priority in general is not super common and is probably the only thing that can beat pheromosa. When only a specific pokemon beats it, and when it has pretty much 0 switch-ins when it's that fast, thats when it becomes unhealthy and restricting in the metagame.

1 Answer

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In addition to its aforementioned stats and ability, Pheromosa has many other offensive boons. Having access to powerful STAB moves such as High Jump Kick, Focus Blast, and Bug Buzz, alongside coverage such as Ice Beam and Poison Jab, as well as the ability to gain momentum with U-turn, Pheromosa is a devastating offensive force. To supplement this, Pheromosa also has a wide array of viable sets, which causes a certain degree of unpredictability. Pheromosa can run Choice Scarf (both physical and special), Choice Specs, and even Z-move sets such as Normalium Hyper Beam (Quiver Dance) and Fightinium Focus Blast (QD or Rapid Spin). Each of these sets utilize Pheromosa's innate offensive traits, such as its mixed attacking stats and Beast Boost ability, in a very powerful way. Due to this, Pheromosa is incredibly difficult to switch into, and also often difficult to revenge kill. All in all, it's not hard to see why Pheromosa is a premier threat in the OU metagame.

That's for sm ou

In ss ou, you can read about its entirety here but I can summarize it for you since I lived thru its reign of terror. It more or less has remained unchanged since last gen, minus the z moves, but it gained an incredible coverage move in triple missxel. Combine that with new mechanics like teleport, it becomes insanely difficult to withstand. They way it works is that a future sight user, usually Slowbro, would click fs, teleport roach in safely and its counters just drops. Pheromosa has also almost singlehandedly brought the rise of galarian Slowking into ou as it was one of the few things that can truly counter its quiver dance set. A few coverage options like shockwave or poison jab can allow this roach to mix and match its counters to a limited degree. During its reign of terror, it was often mandatory to have a Moltres on your team as it is one of the true hard counters to physical sets with the risk of roach getting punished by flame body and one of galarian Slowking or spdef Clefable to deal with special sets

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