PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Before getting to the question, I'll elaborate on pre-Dynamaxed Pokémon.

You can hack in Pokemon that start Dynamaxed, i.e. in their "huge" form. If you give them Illusion as their ability, they suddenly become huge when the Illusion breaks. This lets you send out a Pokémon so it appears Dynamaxed, but it is still able to use its regular moves and Dynamax. At first, this was thought to be a visual bug, but it's possible to exploit this to double your current HP, which also allows you to get 300 base power on moves like Water Spout and Eruption. This enables each Pokemon's HP to be doubled before Dynamaxing. More about this here.

I'll take Blissey as an example here.

Blissey's maximum HP is 714.
Blissey, when sent out visually as Dynamaxed can have its HP at 1428.
Blissey can have its HP at 2856 when it Dynamaxes after being visually sent out as Dynamax.

Therefore, this would mean that you can double your HP while visually sending your Pokémon as Dynamaxed, and also use normal moves (non-Dynamax moves).

So I was wondering about how these Pokémon would interact with moves which are doubled in power vs. Dynamaxed Pokémon, like Dynamax Cannon:

  1. Do these moves get the 2x power boost vs. Pokémon which are only visually Dynamax?
  2. Do these moves still get a 2x boost vs. Pokémon which were Dynamaxed after being visually sent out as Dynamax?
  3. Do these moves get a 4x boost vs. Pokémon which were Dynamaxed after being visually sent out as Dynamax?

I couldn't find anything related to these in the Battle Mechanics Thread on Smogon, or on the internet too. If I do get anything more I'll add it to the question. Thanks.

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I don't think they would get the extra boost because the game doesn't understand being able to Dynamax twice. It just takes the stat value and the sprite from the Dynamax Pokemon, but the game doesn't think the Pokemon is dynamaxed because you hacked the game
I think that's fair. The game taking Dynamax twice *is* unlikely, but it can crash after you've Dynamaxed your Pokémon twice, and the possibilities are pretty much endless. A concrete source telling something would be nice.
You'll probably get a better answer if you ask on that battle mechanics thread.

1 Answer

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You didn't ask there, so I asked for you.

Behemoth moves don't double damage against pre-Dynamax Pokemon. If a pre-Dynamax Pokemon Dynamaxes again, they get the 2x damage boost.


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