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I'm looking to see if I can stall friendship gains by having the lead be fainted. BDSP does not make it easy to bypass affection and I wanted to see if doing this can migitate the effects

Editor edit: We already know that fainting lowers friendship. Can a Pokemon gain friendship after that happens, by doing things like taking steps?

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How do you know? Did you read this somewhere (link?) or test it?
I read it somewhere, I forget where, so i tested it by taking an Eevee, fainting it, carrying it in my party fainted for an hour, then revived it, used rare candy to level up, and it didnt evolve. so it didnt gain friendship while fainted (or maybe it did and gained very little? but i dont know how to test that)
Ok I'm going to say Yes a Pokemon still gains friendship even when fainted.
pokemon company typically reuses the same code for every game without really changing anything.

and that's how it worked in early gen games, there was no check for if your Pokemon was fainted or "alive"
when adding friendship.

I know this because I've seen the code.

Also walking for an hour wouldn't be a good test as friendship gained
is different for each type of friendship event, and walking offers the least.
at just 1.

and it doesn't work for each step instead every 130 or so steps you have a 50% chance
to gain a single friendship point...

if you don't want the dumb friendship mechanics best way is to just keep a bunch of herb/root/powder items on you and just constantly use a bunch of those before big fights on a pre-damaged team.
What game did you test in?
Sorry, maybe I shouldn't have instantly converted to comment, but where's your proof?

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