PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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In odds. Like, I believe shiny Mew full art is 1/150 or something.

Just wondering because I pulled a few good cards, I think at least, and I want to know my chances for each card. I’m thinking of going for the whole deck.

yall should treat tcg like anime questions by saying (The TcG iS a DiFfErEnT cAnOn) /j
Is there any definitive answer for all cards?
Presumed is good if there’s no confirmed

1 Answer

0 votes

Ho-oh (rare holo) - 21.44%
Reshiram (rare holo) - 23.11%
Pikachu (rare holo) - 13.49%
Zacian V (rare holo) - 7.39%
Mew (ultra rare) - 0.39%
Flying Pikachu V (rare holo) - 6.47%
Flying Pikachu VMAX (rare holo) - 4.81%
Zamazenta V - 5.18%
Surfing Pikachu V (rare holo) - 5.36%
Surfing Pikachu VMAX (rare holo) - 4.44%


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