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I teamed up with Mira in Wayward cave to help with shiny hunting. I had my Sneasel in front, but I didn't get much encounters. Sometimes I would go a few minutes running around and not getting anything. Then, I switched my Empoleon to the front of my party, and encounters came a lot quicker. Is there an explanation for this? Does it have something to do with affection (My Sneasel has like, no affection while Empoleon loves me), am I just unlucky, does Mira hate shiny Sneasels, or is there another reason?

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Is this BDSP or DPP? :x

1 Answer

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From Pokémon Emerald onward, if a Pokémon with Keen Eye is in the first place in the party (even if fainted), there is a 50% chance it will prevent a random wild encounter that would have occurred if the wild Pokémon would be at least 5 levels lower than the Pokémon with Keen Eye. It shares this effect with Intimidate.

Since Keen Eye is one of Sneasel's non Hidden Ability, it's likely that your Sneasel had this ability and while leading in front, it was 5 levels ahead of the wild Pokemon.

Therefore, it's because of Sneasel's ability Keen Eye's effect outside of battle, rather than being any affection related stuff. Hope this helps!

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Ah that explains it. My Sneasel does have Keen Eye. Thanks, I need to study up on out-of-battle ability effects...
No prob
E: This is DPP I'm assuming from the recent question you asked related to it?
Yeah this is DPP forgot to mention.