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So I don't know why but due to some reason I am unable to pet my Pokemon in Pokemon Amie. I just keep on rubbing their sweet parts for a lot of time and they just don't react. Later when I checked I got to know that in order to pet there should be the hand image but all that is there is a little finger thing. I just can't understand where I am going wrong. Please help me.

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It may just be because you aren’t pressing down hard enough for the device to notice. Try pressing down a little harder. Try a stylus, if you weren’t already.
But its showing the finger icon which tells me that the device is noticing that the problem is that when I hover it over my pokemon it dosent changes to the hand like I saw in some vedios.
I think if you just hold down and rub back and forth then the hand will appear. You can't pet if you don't move your finger/stylus

1 Answer

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Like others said, petting Pokemon is as simple as rubbing the stylus on the screen continuously. Assuming you're doing this right, it's safe to say this isn't a human error.

If it doesn't react properly, then it's either an issue with your console or game. Here's a few things to try:

  • Power the game on and off.
  • Try the game in a different console
  • Try a different Pokemon
  • Try testing your touch screen; make sure it works properly
  • Try cleaning the console and the cartridge itself

Also ask yourself these questions:

  • How old is the console?
  • Where/when did you get the game?
  • Has it worked in the past?
  • Have you had any other issues?

From what you said so far, it's either an issue with the game or the console. Being able to narrow down which is the issue is a great first step to getting it to work.

LMAO this is exactly what I thought the problem might be but I didn't comment it because I thought that the chances were slim. There are certain Pokemon you can't pet, mostly Ghost types, if my memory is correct. Haunter and Ghastly are two examples, I guess it's because their bodies aren't solid. Don't know why this also applies to Shedinja, but I do remember it applying to Shedinja.

You also can't pet some ghost types (thanks ht) and shedninja can only be pet in certain parts of the body.

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LMAO this is exactly what I thought the problem might be but I didn't comment it because I thought that the chances were slim. There are certain Pokemon you can't pet, mostly Ghost types, if my memory is correct. Haunter and Ghastly are two examples, I guess it's because their bodies aren't solid. Don't know why this also applies to Shedinja, but I do remember it applying to Shedinja.
im stealing that for my answer ht
I should clarify that it only applies to certain Pokemon, not all ghost types. I'm surprised Bulbapedia doesn't give a list of which Pokemon this applies to. Also according to Bulbapedia, Shedinja can be pet in certain spots, so I may be wrong entirely, but if my memory is correct, I am not. https://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/Petting#List_of_petting_preferences
EDIT: I'm dumb, it does give the Pokemon that have special effects when you pet them in certain spots, and I guess Shedinja isn't one of them. Guess I was wrong, sorry.
Found this, apparently it seems that there are specific requirements to where you have to pet Shedinja in order for it to gain affection.
So I tried petting other pokemon like sceptile and gabite for checking that out and still they dont respond to my petting. It looks like the game is having some issue only