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6 votes

I want to know what things might have an effect on boosting critical hit chances. Please only mention gen 4 and up.


2 Answers

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Best answer

Held Items
Razor Claw (+1)
Scope Lens (+1)
Leek (for Farfetch'd or Sirfetch'd only; +2)
Lucky Punch (for Chansey only; +2)

Super Luck (+1)
Battle Armor (Pokemon cannot be hit by critical hits)
Shell Armor (Pokemon cannot be hit by critical hits)

G-Max Chi Strike (+1)
Focus Energy (+2)
Dire Hit (+2)
Dire Hit 2 (+2)
Lansat Berry (+2)
Z-Foresight (+2)
Z-Sleep Talk (+2)
Z-Tailwind (+2)
Z-Acupressure (+2)
Z-Heart Swap (+2)
Dire Hit 3 (+3)

These moves have an increased critical hit ratio. If the move is Storm Throw, Frost Breath, Zippy Zap, Surging Strikes, Wicked Blow, or Flower Trick, it will always be a critical hit. Using Laser Focus guarantees the next move to be a critical hit. Lucky Chant protects the user from critical hits. The Ability Merciless guarantees critical hits on all poisoned Pokemon. If a Pokemon's Affection is high, it has a higher chance of scoring a critical hit.

Critical hit (Bulbapedia)

I believe that's everything. Hope I helped!

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Thank you both for your answers!
You're welcome!
wow what is reg crit chance
3 votes

Moves with a high critical hit chance (found here)

If the Pokemon is holding a:

Razor Claw

Scope Lens

Stick / Leek (Sirfetch'd, Farfetch'd)

Lucky Punch (Chansey)

If the Pokemon has the ability Super Luck, or Merciless (if the target is poisoned).

If you use a Dire Hit / Dire Hit 2 / Dire Hit 3 on a Pokemon.

If the Pokemon has used:

G-Max Chi Strike

Focus Energy


Z-Sleep Talk



Z-Heart Swap

If the Pokemon has consumed a Lansat Berry.

If the Pokemon has high Affection which is not Friendship or Happiness or whatever it's called.

Oh, and:

The Abilities Battle Armor and Shell Armor prevent Pokémon from landing critical hits on the Pokémon with that Ability. Lucky Chant prevents Pokémon from landing critical hits on the Pokémon it is protecting.

The moves Storm Throw, Frost Breath, Zippy Zap, Surging Strikes, and Wicked Blow will always result in a critical hit (unless prevented by one of the above effects). The move Laser Focus guarantees the next move to score a critical hit.


Hope this helps! :)

You forgot Merciless and high Affection, I believe.