PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A
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Basically, can you breed alolan Pokemon, like Alolan Raichu, to get an offspring that will be able to evolve into an Alolan form? (Sorry if this was already asked)


1 Answer

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Yes and no. In general, you can breed regional forms outside their designated region (or non-regional forms in a region with its own regional form) by making the parent with the desired form hold an Everstone, but this only works if the offspring itself has a regional form. For evolution-exclusive regional forms like Raichu however, the offspring will always evolve into the form corresponding to the region it evolves in, regardless of the parent's form. Currently the only way to obtain Alolan Raichu, Exeggutor, and Marowak, and non-Galarian Weezing, is to transfer them from previous games.

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