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In Let's Go Pikachu and Eevee, Psytrice in the Saffron City Pokemon Center DOES give you an Alolan Raichu if you give her a Kantonian Raichu AND the gender of the Raichu she gives you DOES change. But, I'm curious if there's a possibility that she can give you a SHINY Alolan Raichu! For me, there's already no turning back now since I wasted my money on Thunder Stones, YIKES. I feel like I made a mistake. CAN Psytrice give you a shiny Alolan Raichu or did I just waste my money, pokeballs, and time?


3 Answers

2 votes

In Pokémon: Let's Go, Pikachu! and Let's Go, Eevee!, all in-game trades can be repeated an unlimited amount of times. These trades are the only way to obtain Alola Forms outside of GO Park or trading with other players. All traded Pokémon have no nicknames, have randomized Natures, and can be either gender and Shiny.


0 votes

No, you did not waste money or pokeballs or time. You can get a shiny aloan form from every trade in the game. I got a shiny aloan diglet from the diglet trade. And no, your Pokemon does not have to be shiny to get a shiny.

0 votes

not only is it very possible to get an alolan raichu with any sort of special value (that you'd get normally from the wild) from this trade, but because you can do it infinitely, there's actually an optimal shiny hunting method in here. one that... requires no input at all?
the jwittz figured out that using a massive batch of pre-caught raichu, he could simply mash A while sanding next to the CPU in order to infinitely trade, until his cache ran out. he then went about finding a way to remotely press A, so he could do anything else, then come back after all the trades were done, and check the pokedex for the new shiny. search "Jwittz pressing a button for rare Pokemon". It may not be pretty, but he gets the job done in the end, after a lot of funny fails.
