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Examples include dual slot Pokemon and Spiritomb in DPPt and Giratina in ORAS. Please ignore Friend Safaris in the answer and don't question my curiosity.

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In OR/AS i think there is only Giratina (Palkia & Dialga), Kyurem (Zekrom & Reshiram) and Landorus (Thundurus & Tornadus)
In other games i dont know
All of the Pokemon in White forest in White. Also, Rayqaza in HG/SS and Regigigas in B2/W2.
Shiny Haxorus in BW?
The Shiny Haxorus was in B2/W2, not B/W.
Also you could always get shiny haxorus, didn't need interaction.

Gen 4 games when dual slotted, Gengar is the one that comes to mind. In Old Chateux.
The area where the shiny Haxorus is isn't accessible until after you fill the Unova Pokedex, which requires interacting with other games, right?
The player only needs to see every Pokemon.
Pretty sure even seeing final evolutions of starters is impossible without importing from another game
also Regigigas in D/P, as the other Regis would need to come from another game.
Any of the starters is obtainable without interacting with another game, so I don't count that as unobtainable. Besides, interacting with another game wouldn't let you CATCH any starters (except maybe Friend Safari), which is another reason why I don't think it should be part of the answer.
Seeing all three final evolutions requires trading one from another game. The only opportunity you have in BW2 to even see the starter other than the ones you and Hugh pick, is when it's in its middle evolution. Just a case of obtaining its first evolution from another Gen 5 game and trading.
So the shiny Haxorus counts?
Yes, because in White 2 you need to catch a Buneary to complete the Pokedex but not a single trainer has one. (I believe a trainer on Route 14 has a Lopunny, however)
Dialga/Palkia in ORAS, Thundurus/ Tornadus also in ORAS, And Reshiram/Zekrom In ORAS.

You'll need Both of each to catch Giratina, Landorus, and Kyurem.  Reshiram, Tornadus, and Palkia can be Caught in Omega Ruby while Zekrom, Thundurus, and Dialga can be caught in Alpha Sapphire.  You'll need the Eon Flute, as all require you to soar to locations only able to reach by Eon Flute.  Dialga, Palkia, Giratina, Thundurus, Tornadus, and Landorus can be found in a Black cloud over/near Fortree City.  Reshiram and Zekrom can be found in the Fabled Cave, while Kyurem can be found in the Gnarled Den.

Hope I helped with the Gen 6 ones!
Converted to a comment because it's useful information but not a complete answer.
Electric Z I'm pretty sure that you could trade a Buneary from DIAMOND PEARL PLATINUM  since you have the chance to catch it in those games.
If you are wondering where to find it in DDP just to to Eterna Forest and try to find it in the grass. Its a 20-30% ecounter rate.
I just remembered that in BW2, players can get Haxorus by catching an Axew at Mistralton Cave and evolving it, so I don't think it requires interacting with other games.
Dude, it's called an answer for a reason. You didn't answer the question at all, you just assumed that there was a page on Serebii about this.
Agreed. Unless you're answer is full, I suggest commenting instead of answering.
What are you talking about? He/she did comment.
It was an answer at first; I guess he converted it into a comment.
garatina palkia and dialga in Pokemon soulsilver
Pokémon ranger manaphy?
HGSS Dialga, Palkia, and Giratina require events, not interacting with another game. I don't think Manaphy counts because Ranger isn't a core series game.

1 Answer

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Best answer

I talked to a few Bulbapedia editors since I asked this question. Hopefully their combined knowledge is enough to write a complete answer.
E: Surskit
DP: Caterpie, Weedle, Ekans, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Growlithe, Gengar, Pineco, Gligar, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Elekid, Magby, Lotad, Seedot, Sableye, Mawile, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Spiritomb, Regigigas
Pt: Caterpie, Weedle, Ekans, Sandshrew, Vulpix, Growlithe, Gengar, Pineco, Shuckle, Teddiursa, Lotad, Seedot, Sableye, Mawile, Zangoose, Seviper, Lunatone, Solrock, Spiritomb, Regigigas
HGSS: Rayquaza
BW: Landorus
B2: Regice, Regigigas
W2: Registeel, Regigigas
XY: every Friend Safari Pokemon
ORAS: Regigigas, Giratina, Landorus, Kyurem
USUM: Rayquaza, Regigigas, Giratina, Landorus, Kyurem
