DISCLAIMER: The way this moveset is presented is done purely in good humour. It is not intended to reflect actual political or personal opinion.

Mr. Bigly (Gumshoos)@ Focus Sash/Life Orb
Alternative Nickname: Ronald Drump
Adaptability/Stong Jaw
Adamant nature
252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
- Crunch
- Super Fang
- Hyper Fang/Frustration
- Earthquake/U-Turn
Gumshoos is the best Pokémon. Just the greatest. It's fantastic. It gets all the ladies. I have never met a better Pokémon, and believe me I've met a lot of Pokémon. I've met Pokémon you've never heard of that are better than the ones you have heard of.
Mr. Bigly prefers to hold a Focus Sash or a Life Orb. You see, Mr. Bigly is fantastic and all, but he's really not that strong, he has really thin skin, so he doesn't take attacks very well. So, it's best if he holds an item that lets him take advantage of his time on the stage and do as much damage as possible. Life Orb makes his attacks stronger but also a bit self-destructive, but as long as you're winning who cares. Mr. Bigly is so low-energy, it's sad, so a Focus Sash can let him survive an attack from a stronger opponent and strike back with a vengeance.
Mr. Bigly's EV spread is simple. Maximum HP because he is the healthiest Pokémon in all the history of Pokémon. Maximum Attack because he is very fit. The last little bit is in Speed so that he can always be faster than other Mr. Biglys. An Adamant nature means he will never back down, ever. Ever.
Mr. Bigly's Adaptability lets him deal with any possible situation. It's a great ability. It makes his Frustration even stronger than it is, and believe me, it's already the strongest. If you wanted to use Hyper Fang instead, Mr. Bigly also has a Strong Jaw that will utterly decimate and humiliate his opponents.
Frustration and Hyper Fang are your best attacks. Combined with either Adaptability or Strong Jaw, they will be hitting for bigly damage. For Pokémon who refuse to bow to your Frustration, Crunch will teach them a lesson. If you find yourself in a situation where Mr. Bigly is fighting a much bulkier opponent, Super Fang lets you knock off a yuge chunk of their HP. And lastly, Earthquake lets you shake up the establishment. Or, U-Turn lets you pass off to another Pokémon more qualified for the matchup.
If you use Gumshoos, you will win. You will win bigly. You will win so bigly that you'll get sick of winning. Gumshoos is the greatest Pokémon. Gumshoos is going to make UU great again.