I find it interesting that nobody posted the Psych Up - Baton Pass set yet, it's been on YouTube for a while and I think it's brilliant, hilarious and very gimmicky.

Pyukumuku @ Normalium Z / Leftovers
Ability: Unaware
Nature: Careful (-Sp Att, +Sp Def)
EVs: 252 HP / 228 Def / 28 Sp Def
- Psych Up
- Baton Pass
- Recover
- Swagger/Toxic
With Unaware, Pyukumuku can be set up on and it wouldn't even affect it. With those monstrous defenses and access to Recover, it will not faint easily. Psych Up is to steal all of the stat boosts the opponent has given themselves, and Baton Pass gives those boosts to somebody else on your team. Swagger is perfect for this set, and the added effect of confusion is definitely nice. This way, all four moves are normal type, meaning that the Z crystal can be used on any of the moves, depending on which added effect is needed. Z Baton Pass, Z Recover and Z Swagger all reset the user's lowered stats and keep boosts intact while Z Psych Up restores health. Alternatively, Swagger can be replaced with Toxic, to poison stall with Recover.
Ideal to wall most set-up sweepers in general.
This EV investment lets it survive a couple of Energy Balls from Manaphy.
Taunt users in general render Pyukumuku useless.
Poison also hurts it unfortunately.