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User ChiefPokemaniac

Member for: 3 years (since Sep 9, 2021)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
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Gender: Male (He/Him)
Country: United States of America
Favorite Pokémon: Milotic
Friend Codes: AtQJ (Pokemon Showdown)
About me: Hi, it’s been a while since I’ve logged on. It’s great to be back! I adore Pokémon and the fan base and everything. I love Gen 9 with a passion (The Hidden Treasure of Area Zero was AMAZING!!!!) and I am willing to help you out (even if I just getting into competitive battling and what not). I write, read, watch an unhealthy amount of YouTube, and play Pokemon in my free time. Introverted (obviously).

Lucario (obtained through Mystery Gift)
Exeggcute (first full-odds shiny in Savannah Biome)
Slowpoke (Galarian) (second full-odds shiny in Coastal Biome)
Milcery (third shiny, Polar Biome; boosted odds because of the celebration outbreaks)
Golurk (first hunted shiny! Found in Canyon Biome)
Sandile (FULL-ODDS; found in Spikes Passage in Kalos during my XY nuzlocke! Shiny Clause BABY!)

The Indigo Disk loves me and takes pity on me with my sad shiny luck

Favorite Mons!
Normal- Terapagos (Terastal: so cute)
Fire- Chandelure
Water- Milotic (duh)
Grass- Roserade
Electric- Joltik (because it's heckin Joltik)
Ice- Froslass
Fighting- Marshadow
Poison- Nihilego
Ground- Coldsire
Flying- Togekiss
Psychic- Reuniclus
Bug- Volcarona
Rock- Aggron
Ghost- Spiritomb
Dragon- Haxorus
Dark- Absol
Steel- Metagross
Fairy- Mimikyu
The very obvious trend: Is it fabulous? → Is it cute? → Is it cool?

Completed Nuzlockes!
1st) USUM- 10 deaths.

Currently working on an XY nuzlocke. Only one death so far (RIP Trinity [Bidoof])!

Activity by ChiefPokemaniac

Score: 66 points (ranked #1,761)
Questions: 10 (8 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 11
Comments: 25
Voted on: 0 questions, 11 answers
Gave out: 11 up votes, 0 down votes
Received: 3 up votes, 0 down votes

Wall for ChiefPokemaniac

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Are u alive
Jan 21 by DavidVileplume
Nemona in Horizons? Chef's kiss. Exactly how I imagined her sounding, and a really likeable character (classic Nemona).
Jul 14, 2024 by ChiefPokemaniac
So, I started watching the new Horizons anime, and I'm impressed! I think Liko is a very interesting and fresh main character, who is much more relatable than Ash ever was, and if you miss the protagonist with two brain cells, Roy is Ash with a reskin (but I prefer Roy personally). The character design is really nice (personal favorites being the main characters, the Explorers, and Friede), and I like how technology is now a huge part in the Pokemon World (Liko doing online school. Also I never saw Journeys (and I definitely should) so this is a little jarring but pleasing for me). I have been doing some theory crafting about the relationship between the pendant and the Pokeball, (something about the ball's roots being either Hisui, or the Great Crater of Area Zero) but I don't have anything solid yet. I finished episode 8 and, so far, I'd give it an 8/10. Really like the characters, new concept, and the Explorers so far, but it is a kids anime and if they use any Gen Alpha slang, I WILL throw hands.
May 18, 2024 by ChiefPokemaniac