Personally Im torn between Breloom and Leafeon.
I chose against the other 3 because : Virizion - Although its got the stats, I dont honestly like using it, I dont really like its grass fighting either. But a good option none-the-less
Simisage - Again, a very good choice but the stats aren't the best and although it has a relatively good movepool, I just dont really have experience using the kind of pokemon that vary that much and doesnt has as concentrated stats, but this one was probably the closest to being in my top 2.
Torterra - It was hard letting this one go as its probably one of my favourite starters ever, and as you said, EQ is a beast, OI just do want something speedy as usually it comes down to speed with grass based types.
Anyway Im still choosing between these 2. On the one hand Leafeon can be amazing and speedy, and especially when its set up, but breloom is amazing to sweep when its up against the right team (It can sweep really well when used effectively). What do you think of the 2?