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I know Camerupt sucks in competitive, but for a playthrough is he good? He takes down Steven's Metagross with ease so I don't know...

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1 Answer

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If you can cover its Water- weakness and play it well, yeah. I would suggest going for it though if you take Treecko and eventually get Sceptile, it can cover its weakness so yeah, I recommend it if you can cover its Water- weakness and deal with its speed.

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Yes I was going to pick Sceptile. Is it possible that is could get an answer where it tells me where Camerupt will be helpful and where it will struggle?
Camerupt is much better in ORAS than in other games, mostly because it can mega evolve. I think it's safe to assume that Camerupt is useful against almost every opponent that doesn't have a water or ground attack.
Ok thanks. Why is he so good in ORAS?
> mostly because it can mega evolve.
commented 11 hours ago by sumwun