I have lost all contact with reality
About half of what happens in the Pokemon Anime, Games and Manga makes no sense whatsoever. Here's some more flawless Pokemon logic in the form of memes; http://3.bp.blogspot.com/-fgRdlWyR_lo/USosdFZLKnI/AAAAAAAADII/AeH-XeYI4Bk/s320/funny-game-logic-pokemon-team-rocket.jpg http://25.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m5qdazKoh11r7t2vmo1_500.png http://media-cache-ec0.pinimg.com/236x/46/95/10/4695102208e5ba0f3e31d30bc5d865d8.jpg http://31.media.tumblr.com/tumblr_m7bnv8sk2k1r1b6udo1_500.jpg
This is Gamefreak and Nintendo we're talking about here.
It's a game. You just have to use you imagination. Pokémon is unrealistic, like how Snorlax fits in a Poke Ball.