
Tyrantrum @ Lum Berry
Ability: Rock Head
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature / Jolly Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Head Smash
- Outrage
- Earthquake
The Concept of the set is simple; Dragon Dance up, then destroy everything in your path. With an Adamant Nature, Tyrantrum just barely outspeeds Pokemon with a base speed of 115 or lower--A respectable speed stat to hit in my opinion, but Jolly can be used to outspeed more threats. Head Smash is the STAB move of choice, OHKOing just about any offensive threat that doesn't resist and literally 2HKOs even the best physical walls as well. With Rock Head, Tyrantrum doesn't take recoil, so it can spam the move whenever you feel like.
Outrage is Tyrantrum's backup STAB, to destroy the Ground and Fighting Types that resist Head Smash, something that Dragon Claw is not useful for. Because of Head Smash's high Base Power, a resisted Head Smash has the equivalent of a move with 75BP, in contrast to Dragon Claw's 80; The difference is negligible, largely eclipsing the reason to use it. And because of that, the only reason to use Dragon Claw over Head Smash is because you're scared of Head Smash missing, since it doesn't really add any extra type coverage. In addition, Dragon Claw lacks considerable power; it is unable to get the crucial 2HKOs and OHKOs that Tyrantrum wants, but Outrage can do that. Outrage can 2HKO any Donphan or Hippowdon in Tyrantrum's way, as well as OHKO things ranging from Machamp to Keldeo(Although a fully invested Hippowdon needs just a little bit of prior damage to be guaranteed, it still has a chance and Tyrantrum can run as little as a Muscle Band to ensure it).
A Lum Berry protects Tyrantrum from status while it is setting up and increases what it can set up on safely. Additionally, if the Lum Berry is not used immediately, it can be used later to ensure that Tyrantrum can use Outrage more safely; It can be used to clean up later without resorting to Head Smash's accuracy, as it usually has enough power to do so. For the final slot, Earthquake is by far the best option for coverage, hitting the Steel types that resist its STAB. Conveniently, most Steel Types that happen to be neutral to Ground are also neutral Rock, which means Tyrantrum can simply Head Smash them. The only natural exceptions to this rule are Levitate Bronzong and the Ferrothorn evolutionary line. It is then when you realize that these are the only things in the entire game that you are going to hit for any less than 180 Base Power--A testament to Tyrantrum's Potency.