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4 votes

If you have a good competitive moveset for Zygarde, post an answer below and upvote the best ones. Movesets for its pre-evolutions, if any, can also be shared on this thread.

Be sure to include full set details in your post, e.g. items, abilities, natures and EVs. Some detail, including the intended game mode for your set, is also appreciated. Access the full list of guidelines here.

Zygarde Pokédex and learnset for reference.


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35 Answers

8 votes

Say hello to what is arguably the most broken Pokemon to ever be allowed in OU, despite getting quickbanned soon after.

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 248 HP / 8 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Coil
- Rest
- Sleep Talk

The strategy here is simple. Send Zygarde in on something that can't do over 75% damage and above to it in a single hit, which isn't too hard with Zygarde-50%'s solid bulk. Activate Power Construct and transform. Rest to fully heal yourself, and alternate between Sleep Talk, Coil and Rest and laugh as the opponent does pitiful damage to you. When you accumulated enough boosts, sweep his entire team with Thousand Arrows.

Let me emphasise one thing: This thing never dies. Zygarde-50% is already a very bulky Pokemon, but this thing takes bulk to a whole new level. For a testament to how bulky this thing is:
252 SpA Choice Specs Latios Draco Meteor vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde-Complete: 474-560 (74.6 - 88.1%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery

It lives a Specs boosted, STAB Super-Effective Draco Meteor from Latios. That means, once its checks and counters have been removed or weakened, send Zygarde in and its GG. Even without any investment into Defense, it has insane physical bulk. Primal Groudon, which has 504 Attack when fully invested, barely manages a 3HKO with STAB Precipice Blades.

252+ Atk Groudon-Primal Precipice Blades vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Zygarde-Complete: 234-276 (36.8 - 43.4%) -- 99.3% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

252+ Atk Choice Band Tapu Bulu Wood Hammer vs. 248 HP / 0 Def Zygarde-Complete: 412-486 (64.7 - 76.4%) -- guaranteed 2HKO after Leftovers recovery and Grassy Terrain recovery

Seriously, why was this thing ever allowed in OU?

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Can you transfer yet?(Note this may change when Part 3 of the expansion, Mochi Mayhem, comes out).
How does this guy hold up against powerful Ice-Type attacks like Freeze Shock, Ice Burn and Glacial Lance?
252 SpA Turboblaze Kyurem-White Ice Burn vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Zygarde-Complete: 832-984 (131 - 154.9%) -- guaranteed OHKO

Instant death. We need some coverage to help this guy out!
Maybe don't keep Zygarde in against Ice type moves?
I can see how bulky this Zygarde is now, LOOK.

252+ SpA Expert Belt Tera Stellar Terapagos-Stellar Tera Starstorm vs. 248 HP / 252+ SpD Tera Ground Zygarde-Complete: 214-254 (33.7 - 40%) -- 30.5% chance to 3HKO after Leftovers recovery

Wow, and that's WITH the Expert Belt....
4 votes

Zygrade @ Lum Berry
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature / Adamant Nature
- Coil
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed

Zygrade seems outclassed by Xerneas and Yvetal. Relatively low base stats for a legendary at 600, and not it's one of the pixie legendaries like Mew Manaphy et al. so I don't know why its stats are that low. Still, not the end of the world, since it has access to some pretty decent moves.

Coil > D-Dance. It raises 3 stats and gives an extra boost to defense, which is already pretty decent at base 121. Outrage & Earthquake for STABs, which seem to go very well together because it bypasses the steel and fairy resistances. Additionally Extremespeed is very good, since it has a x4 weakness to Ice Shard, so it can at least have some hope to KOing Mamoswine/ Abasmow/ Weavile if it has a Coil or 2 set up.

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coil does raise 3 stats, but accuracy isn't the most useful stat change...and if you're going for a fast sweeper, dragon dance is a lot more useful.
no you can counter double team
4 votes

enter image description here
The guardian... Chameleon? (Zygarde) @ Chople Berry/ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Spe
Adamant / Brave Nature
- Camouflage
- Coil
- ExtremeSpeed
- Crunch / Earthquake

Explanation: Zygarde has Camouflage, in Wifi battles, this turns Zygarde into a Normal type, being a Normal type, Zygarde is no longer x4 weak to ice, and is only weak to Fighting. Once Zygarde is a normal type, ExtremeSpeed will gain a STAB increase, use Coil to boost stats and then dish out damage.

The Chople Berry is for any fighting types who would mess with Zygarde after the type switch, and the Leftovers would be so your Zygarde doesn't die very quickly, and the 4th move can be Crunch, for use on Ghost types that would wall him. While this set is strong it has its downsides, if Zygarde is faced with an ice type while setting up, he's screwed. Also, it should be noted that Mawile and Lucario will wall this set of play easily, as well as kill him in the following turns, so carry a Fire type (preferably Chandelure, Heatran, or Talonflame) to counteract this.

If you should decide to run Earthquake over Crunch in this set, keep in mind that while you have a strong STAB when not camouflaged, and a tool to obliterate Mawile and Lucario, a Ghost type that levitataes or flies cough Drifblim and Gengar cough can easily come in and ruin your day, so carry a wash Rotom, an Aegislash or a Bisharp to deal with them . So while Zygarde may not be as great as the other two in his trio, a little effort and some proper team building can turn him into a strong and absolutely devastating fighting force.

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Earthquake, high power+ STAB
Earthquake has high power, but after camouflage, would no longer be a STAB move.
My Zygarde knows Draco Meteor.
Draco meteor? that's fine with such a high base power, but its out classed by outrage, due to outrage having a similar base power and being physical (which is Zygardes attacking method of choice.).
Daaaang!  Dude I'd been reading this page, and this was by far the best moveset - that thing could dish out some serious kick-butt!  This is a really creative idea! haha I've been competitive battling for over two years now, which means that I'm usually pretty good at creating movesets and natures, whatever, for various pokemon.  I have not thought of this; very impressive!  haha before, I really didnt think that Zygarde could actually be decent, but i dont think that anyone thinks that camouflage is a good move - even i disregarded it.  Also very smart about the chople berry - i almost never use berries, except for sometimes a salac, sitrus, or lum berry.  You got some competitive potential if you're not already one.  :) It'st those things that no one ever thinks have any value.  Haha nice work!
4 votes

enter image description here

This thing completely passed under my radar, and for a good reason. It looked like a sick n' large Garchomp copy with fancy frills to boot. I never bothered to go into its actual stat and movepools, but now that I have, I can safely say this:
Garchomp and Zygarde are two Pokemon with the same typing but very different roles.

Garchomp = immediate power
Zygarde can be this:

Zygarde @ Lum Berry
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature / Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Extreme Speed

The classic set everybody thinks of first (it's a good one, so why not) but here's my version of glittery medusa:

Zygrade @ Choice Band
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Stone Edge
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Extremespeed

This set is meant for more power than most Garchomp (that don't have a Choice Band themselves, and that is saying something) in sacrifice for 7 units of speed, which is not really taking away a lot, quite a few OU Pokemon actually fail to cross 95 speed, and Zygarde can actually live a few super-effective hits in case one does.

But this set is more meant for a wall-breaker, it outspeeds every wall for that matter with a Jolly nature, and only failing against Skarmory and Gliscor (even Gliscor risks getting 3HKOed by Outrage). EdgeQuake combo is as good as ever, and the main perk it has over Garchomp is it's power to revenge kill like nobody's business with Extreme Speed (which is saying a lot, being one of the few Pokemon to revenge kill and safely take on Talonflame).

Outrage is a strong move that can be utilized to it's fullest after the opposing team's Fairy and Steel cladding is gone, so good team options might include Fire0types that can take out both Fairy- and Steel-types, like Heatran, Charizard, Arcanine, Ninetails and Chandelure.

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Don't forget about Flygon. Flygon is also a Ground-Dragon.
4 votes

Less than 5 sets have Haze and almost no one has Safety Goggles. That's just sad.

Zygarde @ Safety Goggles
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 Def
Impish Nature
- Glare
- Thousand Arrows
- Haze
- Rest

Format: Gen 7, Nat Dex AG
Role: Laugh at Smeargle, Vivillon, Baton Pass and physical attackers
If you had played AG, especially USUM and Nat Dex then you had know how painful are Baton Pass and Smeargle. Too annoying. Smeargle just comes, spores your whole team. Then do Smash Pass. Time for you to get wiped out clean. Vivillon does another thing. It comes, uses Compound Eyes boosted Sleep Powder. Then, evil Quiver Dance + Substitute will sweep with a low BST Pokemon.

Baton Pass' another evil thing. Eevee comes with some weird partners like Dusknoir which sets up Trick Room then Memento. After which, Eevee can do its signature Z-Move, Baton pass then a +2 in each stat Pokemon will come and OHKO all of your Pokemon. This things have made AG a painful tier, so it's time to put an end to such broken stuff with this.

Glare is to annoy opponent with paralysis. Thousand Arrows is much better than Land's Wrath, Thousand Waves and Earthquake since it's ability to ground levitated/flying Pokemon is much helpful. Safety Goggles means Smeargle can't touch you, neither Vivillon with Spore and Sleep Powder.

Zygarde's the best Safety Goggles abuser since its ground-type grants immunity to Nuzzle meaning Smeargle can't touch you. Haze shuts down all set-up sweepers. Max Defense means you have good chance of surviving a +1 boosted Life Orb Dragon Ascent. Rest is to heal away damage and it's your only way :P

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like rlly this set too good
Yes the day is going to come after which Baton Pass would run away from AG.
3 votes

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 6 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Coil
- Earthquake
- Substitute / Extreme Speed
- Outrage / Dragon Tail / Stone Edge

Most People think of Zygarde as inferior to other OU Dragon Types. This isn't really
true; it's just that Zygarde does things differently and uniquely, and thus is outclassed by none.
If you've actually used Zygarde you will know that Coil is easy to set up thanks to Zygarde's great HP and Defense Stats, allowing it to set up against a host of physical threats. You generally will not usually be using Zygarde's weakness on the physical side unless you get STAB on them (Gliscor and Donphan say hi but Zygarde can actually still set up on them regardless).

While Zygarde has priority in Extreme Speed, often, Substitute tends to be a better choice. Zygarde doesn't hit very hard with E-Speed until it sets up, while Substitute protects it against status such as Will-O-Wisp and can turn Pokemon such as Ferrothorn into setup fodder. After a few Coils, Zygarde is very much capable of reaching a point where its Substitutes will not break. Additionally, it can help against being revenge killed, which is the main reason as to why you might want to use Extreme Speed in the first place. Earthquake is Self-Explanatory, unless you want to use Land's Wrath for novelty STAB.

Zygarde does not learn Dragon Claw, so Outrage is it's only powerful secondary STAB. Alternatively, you can use Dragon Tail, which will still hurt and can prevent you from being phazed. It will also let you beat out apposing boosters. Stone Edge forms the EdgeQuake combo, and has perfect accuracy after a Coil, so it's a safe bet to go on if you dislike Outrage and Dragon Tail's negative effects.

Zygarde is generally a physically bulky booster, which separates it from Garchomp. The only other "Bulky" Booster is really just Dragonite, who has a Stealth Rock Weakness, is only bulky when at full HP, and Lacks STAB Earthquake (Fun Fact: Zygarde's Earthquake will out-damage Dragonite's Dragon Claw if both run the same nature)

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2 votes

He is right, but he will be a great Dragon Dancer

Zygarde @ Sitrus Berry / Leftovers
EVs: 4 HP / 252 Atk / 252 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed
- Outrage

Just the addition of Extreme Speed makes all the difference. That pitiful speed is bypassed by some of the best priority in the game.

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What level does it get Extremespeed and Outrage/ Dragon Claw?
http://pokemondb.net/pokedex/zygarde - this lists its moves. I don't think it learns Dragon Claw considering it doesn't really have arms...
Arms are overrated.
tentacles overcome arms

especially short squiggly ones
2 votes


Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
Impish Nature
EVs: 196 HP / 252 Def / 60 SpD
- Rest
- Sleep Talk
- Dragon Tail
- Toxic / Earthquake

Zygarde may seem inferior to other legendaries because of its subpar stats, but this set makes use of its good defenses. Rest is for recovering HP, even more can be recovered with Leftovers as the held item. Sleep Talk can be used when you're alseep, especially when you've used Rest. Dragon Tail gets STAB and forces the opponent to switch out, which is really useful. Finally, Toxic is for poisoning the opponent and Earthquake is another reliable STAB move.

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Power Construct would be more beneficial than Aura Break for this buid.
This was before Gen 7 when Zygarde 10% and Zygarde Complete existed.
2 votes

National Dex AG

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 252 HP / 208 Def / 48 Spe
Impish Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Rest
- Protect
- Glare

Yesterday afternoon, me and PrimordialSea were having a discussion about Zygarde. I was having doubts about it being a super reliable check/counter to common Pokemon in the tier. Primal Groudon sometimes runs Hidden Power Ice, Zacian-Crowned occasionally runs Play Rough, Marshadow can run Ice Punch, and Mega Rayquaza can run Draco Meteor. All of these Pokemon run the move almost solely for Zygarde. And then, I had an epiphany. I was going to use Protect Zygarde. Thousand Arrows is absolutely necessary STAB (even on a defensive Pokemon like this) because it allows Zygarde to deal with Primal Groudon, Zacian-Crowned, and Ho-oh most importantly. Without this move, Zygarde is much easier to switch into, but with it, Zygarde effectively has no switch ins between Arrows and Glare.

Next up is Rest. Rest is used for recovery. While the free turns for the enemy suck for you, there are some ways to circumvent this (more on that in the partners section below). I've already explained Protect Zygarde fairly well enough, but basically, it allows you to scout unfavorable moves on Pokemon Zygarde is supposed to check, and gain free Leftovers recovery for one turn.

Glare is paralysis support that is 100% accurate and can paralyze Ground types (Ground types can't be paralyzed by Thunder Wave but they can be paralyzed by other paralysis causing moves). The best part of this set is that nobody expects Protect Zygarde so it's pretty much riskless scouting. The Speed EVs on this set allow Zygarde-Complete to outspeed a paralyzed Zacian-Crowned.


Zygarde's Rest can obviously be a massive pain in the ass sometimes, and its proclivity to lost to support Arceus formes (most of which carry Ice Beam and/or Refresh) can be annoying as well. Because of Chansey's colossal Special bulk and access to Heal Bell and Aromatherapy, it can come in on support Arceus formes with ease (not even fearing the occasional Toxic thanks to Natural Cure), tank an Ice Beam, use Aromatherapy to awaken Zygarde and heal other teammates' status conditions, and use Confide against any Calm Mind Arceus.

Mega Rayquaza really loves Zygarde's Glare support derailing Pokemon like Zacian-Crowned and Marshadow, who are faster and can KO it. V-create MRay love being partnered with Zygarde especially, as Thousand Arrows can put Primal Groudon into Dragon Ascent kill range, and Zygarde matches up well against Tyranitar if you ever find yourself facing Stall, and Necrozma-Dusk Mane, which is a common Dragon Ascent switch-in.

(Arceus-Dark) /
Specially Defensive Arceus-Dark and Specially Defensive Yveltal check Calyrex-Shadow most notably, and can Defog for it. In return, Zygarde can check non Play Rough Zacian-Crowned for them.

If you keep being swept by set up users after you Rest, Ditto is a solid partner, since it can use its pretty sus ability to Transform into boosters, copy their boosts, and revenge-kill the sweeper or reverse sweep if the opposing team is weakened.

Sample team

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1 vote

Zygarde @ Lum Berry
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Rest
- Extreme Speed / Stone Edge

I feel as Zygarde is a bulkier Dragonite with a worse ability. Though they both share the same 4x weakness, there's no doubt Dragonite is a better Pokémon than the Z Legendary. Still, Zygarde has a lot of potential.

This exact set is a bulkier spin off of the normal Dragon Dance set. With max HP investment, Zygarde should be able to survive most attacks, along with some ice moves if they're physical. The point of this set is to set up as many Dragon Dances as possible until Zygarde gets to a low amount of HP, then Rest to get to full health, and use the Lum Berry to wake up. Lum Berry is used over Chesto Berry to cover Outrage's confusion if it happens to be used before Rest.

Extreme Speed is overall a better fourth move for this moveset, as it over-prioritizes Ice Shard and eliminates the fear of any Pokémon that hold the Choice Scarf. Stone Edge can be used if ice types are the biggest problem for you, but keep in mind that Ice Shard is probably their move of choice.

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Without question, any Zygarde without Earthquake is one that's not going to get far in battle unless you have a really good reason why you can't fit it on the moveset, and this one doesn't.
1 vote

All I'm seeing are Coil and DD sets. How about something a bit more defensive?

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 200 HP / 252 Def / 56 Spe
Impish Nature
- Substitute
- Glare
- Dragon Tail
- Earthquake

With its nice bulk and typing, Zygarde can set up Sub on a lot of things. It can then paralyze them, phase them out with Dragon Tail, rinse, and repeat. EQ is nice STAB and does decent damage off of Zygarde's nice Attack.

1 vote

Unlike everyone else here I thought of an all around threat to someone's team other than just plain ol' attack , Here's my defensive sweeping set

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 SpD
Impish Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Extreme Speed
- Brick Break
- Thousand arrows

Dragon Dance allows Extreme Speed to revenge kill without taking precautions to other moves that would otherwise OHKO Zygarde. Brick Break allows you to hit Ice-types like Regice for super-effective damage and to break walls like no other that try to set-up with Reflect & Light Screen. Of course what is the need of a Dragon-Ground-type if you don't have a Ground-type move, and what other better move than Thousand Arrows that hits very hard against neutral threats with a Dragon Dance

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1 vote

Zygarde @ Chesto Berry
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 252 HP / 4 Atk / 252 SpD
Careful Nature
- Coil
- Rest
- Thousand Arrows
- Extreme Speed

This set was created as of Pokemon Sun and Moon.
You are pretty much insured that Zygarde doesn't die easily. And with Chesto Resto, You can keep Zygarde alive longer as well as removing any status conditions it would have.

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1 vote

Hmm... a mixed SpA and Atk set anyone?

Zygarde @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 22 HP / 100 Atk / 136 SpA / 252 Spe
Hasty Nature
- Dragon Pulse
- Earthquake
- Iron Tail
- Stone Edge

Switch in, kill stuff with whatever you want, switch out. If Zygarde has no IVs in SpA and Atk, their stats (should be) equal.

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1 vote

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Ability: Power Construct
EVs: 252 Atk / 4 SpD / 252 Spe
Jolly Nature
- Glare
- Thousand Arrows
- Iron Tail / Coil
- Scale Shot

  • Glare Make them slower
  • Thousand Arrows STAB also hits flying types
  • Iron Tail/Coil Iron tail for coverage/Coil for set up
  • Scale Shot STAB hits pretty hard if hits all 5 times, also has speed boost
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1 vote

VGC 2021, Series 8

Zygarde @ Weakness Policy
Ability: Power Construct
Level: 50
EVs: 252 HP / 236 Atk / 20 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Thousand Arrows
- Protect
- Coil
- Rock Slide

This should be used with Comfey as a team mate. The 20 special defence EVs make Comfey's Draining Kiss fail to even 8HKO dynamax Zygarde (5HKO's if not dynamaxed) if Comfey has a -SpA nature (which is what I've been using), so you can activate Zygarde's Weakness Policy safely. Thousand Arrows is Ground STAB that does spread damage and knocks down Flying / Levitating Pokémon, not to mention it can be spammed easily. Protect allows Zygarde to be fully safe from most attacks for a turn while it's ally on the field can still attack or set up. Coil boosts Zygarde's attack, defence and accuracy. The attack boost is vey nice with the amount of Intimidate in the format. Rock Slide, when dynamaxed, hits flying and levitating Pokémon that haven't been knocked down to the ground by Thousand Arrows.

0 votes

Zygarde @ Leftovers
Trait: Aura Break
EVs: 248 HP / 252 Atk/ 8 Def
Nature Jolly
- Coil
- Earthquake
- Extremespeed
- Crunch

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0 votes

enter image description here
Broom (Zygarde) @ Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Def / 4 SpD
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Dance
- Outrage
- Earthquake
- Extreme Speed

1) Dragon Dance
2) Sweep

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While this set is good (although I've seen it as an answer to this question 100 times already...) your EV spread looks more like a tank or Physical wall rather than a sweeper, better Ev spreads include: 252 HP, 252 Attack, 4 Sp Def, or: 252 Attack, 252 Speed, 4 Sp Def. The Spread you put looks like something a stall Zygarde with glare and coil might have used better.
0 votes

Zygrade @ Expert Belt
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 Atk / 128 Def / 128 Spe
Adamant Nature
- Earthquake
- Outrage
- Safeguard
- Coil

Earthquake and Outrage are for STAB. Safeguard is to prevent confusion from Outrage and Coil is to raise its Attack, Defense, and Accuracy.

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Wait, does Safeguard really prevent you from confusing yourself? if so then a set like this could have lots of potential... but if not, safe guard would only serve to stop will o wisp and toxic, as well as support the team, which isn't bad but still...
0 votes

A rather disappointing legendary, but here's mine:

Zygarde @ Lum Berry / Leftovers
Ability: Aura Break
EVs: 252 HP / 252 Atk / 4 Def
Adamant Nature
- Dragon Tail / Outrage
- Earthquake
- Dragon Dance
- Camouflage / Crunch

Dragon Tail / Outrage for STAB, Earthquake because powerful STAB better than his signature move, Dragon Dance for stat boosts, and Crunch for another attack. Camouflage can be useful when against a SE mon, although you do lose the STAB bonuses. Personally, Crunch > Camouflage, although I had success with camouflage when against the E4.

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Dragon Tail is 6- priority so the speed EVs is useless for that move
I'd forgotten that.