HP healing: recover, softboiled, milk drink, heal order, slack off, roost, healing wish(sacrifices yourself to heal teamate), wish(2 turns), synthesis, moonlight, morning sun, ingrain(equal to leftovers boost), rest(Heals HP and status while putting yourself to sleep), aqua ring(equal to leftovers boost),pain split(if you have less health), heal pulse(opponent/ally), swallow(after stockpile), Present(can heal/damage opponent/ally), lunar dance(sacrifices yourself to heal teamate)
Status: refresh, aromatherapy, heal bell, rest(heals HP and status and puts yourself to sleep)
Damages opponent(HP draining): absorb, mega drain, giga drain, leech life, drain punch, leech seed, dream eater, horn leech
Source: looked through a list of moves: http://bulbapedia.bulbagarden.net/wiki/List_of_moves