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2 votes

It is just a question that I think should be answered.


2 Answers

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Best answer

As of the latest info, Cosmog from Gen 7 (Alola) is the weakest legend by stats. Yes! It only has a BST of 200!!

And, by moves, that's also Cosmog! No need to say further!! The only moves it can learn overall are - Splash (which doesn't do anything!) and Teleport! It can't learn any moves other than that!!

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When it evolves two times then its too good ;)
Yeah! That's true!!
Get in the bag nebby
2 votes

BST wise, it is a tie of 580 BST:
Zapdos, Moltres, Articuno, Entei, Raikou, Suicune, Regice, Registeel, Regirock, Uxie, Azelf, Mesprit, Cobalion, Keldeo, Virizion, Terrakion.

All of them have their competitive uses, but none of them is particularly bad. The worst legendary is Regigigas. Sure, it might have 670 BST, but that awful ability allows it to get pretty screwed over unless you magically get rid of it.

What about Phione?
Phione's legendary status is debatable.
Ah. Well if it can be bred, there's really no competition.
Don’t forget the galarian birds and silvally.And cosmoem too but it’s not fully evolved
@HelloDudeHiDude, I don’t think you realize this question is from about 8 years ago lol