PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

User Victini Victory

Member for: 12 years (since Apr 22, 2012)
Type: Registered user
Extra privileges: Voting on questions
Voting on answers
Voting posts down
Flagging posts
Posting on user walls
Gender: Male (He/Him)
Country: Houston, Texas, U.S.A.
Favorite Pokémon: Mienshao, Victini, Munchlax, Beautifly, Rotom, Snivy
Friend Codes: Black 2: 2753 4747 1626

My Friends List:

JirachiCelebiMew: To me it doesn't matter that you are banned from being a gender and are exiled. You'll always be that nice, funny dude who I loved to talk to on chat. This will never change.

Gligurr: SOOO sorry I forgot to put you here buddy. Anyway used to be like a role model but now you're yeah and I'm like lol okay so yeah.

Rio: That awkward first time we met xD. Anyway since then we've become very good friends and shared many a conversation. I wish you'd update your site more, and that you would come on chat more often. Never see you around.

DarkTyphlosion: Not trying to suck up to the mods, you're seriously a cool, funny guy who showed me the cutest scarf I have ever seen! You're an awesome dude, hope you stick around the site longer.

ReadyAimFire: My God the times we've spent together!! Can't even recall all of them, there are too many! You, me and Flare are the power trio!

Meow(something)Meow(something)Mewtwo: Best time ever with you with all the hugs and whatnot :P

MrKijani: You are hilarious!! I love talking to you on chat and hearing you say funny things.

Lust for Glory: Don't know your current name but I miss seeing you on chat. Same with Oncoming$torm.

Oncoming$torm: I miss talking to you, we had some nice convos. And then our convos with Leboss!

Indigo: Cool, funny and smart. Love talking to you.
About me: ^Negative Space

Name's Victini Victory, but you can call me VV. My birthday is October 24th. And...well, most people know me well. I reign supreme as I have the highest points out of any Registered User...on Meta. I'm a very cheerful person, unless you're a good friend in which case we will have many deep, political and possibly disturbing conversations. I try not to make things awkward and basically everything is about food in my eyes, because I love food.

Oh yeah, and Twinkle is my true love, and you must ship VV x Food, and Ninja x Hate and Rio x Depressing everyone by leaving.

Pokemon Y records:

Starter: Fennekin
First Evolved: Fennekin --> Braixen
Second evolved: Flabebe --> Floette
Third evolved: Bunnelby --> Diggersby
First Pokemon caught: Pikachu
Second Pokemon caught: Bunnelby
Third Pokemon caught: Flabebe
First Kalos Pokemon caught: Bunnelby
Second Kalos Pokemon caught: Flabebe
Third Kalos Pokemon caught: Amaura (Through Fossil, actually)
First Pokemon Traded: Pikachu
Second Pokemon Traded: Braixen (I got my brother's Quilladin in return. It's for the Pokedex, so we traded back)
Third Pokemon Traded: Bagon
Team type: ALL Kalos Pokemon, except for Mewtwo.
Team (so far): Greninja, Delphox, Florges, Meowstic, Yveltal, Mewtwo

Official Team: Mienshao, Haxorus, Hydregion, Durant, Jirachi and Rayquaza

If you're wondering why I change my name so much, well...I don't know. I can't stick with one thing for too long, I guess. That being said, check out the list.

My username changes:

Munchlax Forever =>

=> Victini Victory =>

=> MagikarpShouldBeUber =>

=> Beautifly Blade =>

=> Victini Victory =>

=> Raised By Wolves =>

=> ElectricShockRotom =>

=> Ayan =>

=> Ayan (idle) =>

=> ElectricShockRotom =>

=> Ayan =>

=> KICKBOT' =>

=> Ayan =>

=> Victini Victory

Somehow, I always find myself coming back to that one name.

Activity by Victini Victory

Score: 4,222 points (ranked #97)
Questions: 148 (148 with best answer chosen)
Answers: 130 (64 chosen as best)
Comments: 537
Voted on: 77 questions, 244 answers
Gave out: 269 up votes, 52 down votes
Received: 307 up votes, 34 down votes

Wall for Victini Victory

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Why do you have to have a Grav that is so dang cute?
Dec 9, 2023 by Zyla™️
Dec 13, 2021 by neo magius
Huh, you have some life signs
Jul 2, 2021 by BM™
Are you a expert on meta but a registered user
May 26, 2021 by PeeKayFreeze
Victini is so damn cute
Nov 10, 2020 by PoppolioMan
yeah when you still have a mod who was banned ages go on your friends list so you're likely dead
Jun 7, 2020 by SpillThePolteageist
We didn't talk much, to be fair. I was Triceratops Rex and ~Infinity (even swung with Me Gusta for a while lol).

I was thinking about how most old users rarely come back here and then you happen to pop that day. We prolly  talked a couple of times, so it figures you don't remember me :/

Anyway, I thought if you're back, we could talk more. You seemed very fun back then, but I was too shy to talk xD

Here's to talking more and a new friend :D
Feb 1, 2017 by Emty
You don't have to share your email lol. You email me. Using the email that's on my profile.
Jan 31, 2017 by PX
Also, did ya move to the US?! :D
Jan 27, 2017 by Emty
Of course I'm still alive. I had your email at one point but I don't know what happened. Email the address on my profile and we;ll go from there. Great to see you again though!
Jan 27, 2017 by PX