I play a bit of League of Legend! Good design, nice artwork. Cozy~
Well, 's far as visuals go, they're really cool! :) Robo kitty visuals too, right?? >~;)
There's always more to things if you look into things.
Mayo is pretty good I suppose. I feel like I was trying to say something else at the time with that quote, though...
Have you tried Hellmann's mayonnaise? Not bad. Probably use fresh eggs from the local farms in Skyrim, ...
perhaps even Pelagia farm? :)
Jul 31, 2021
You really wanna give yourself to enjoy a Zomboy song though, try checkin' out Zomboy - Immunity, link:
I used to listen to that a lot. Classic. Pretty classic, after all these yearz.
Speaking of dubstep, what do you make of Virtual Riot? :) He's considered by myself alongside Barely Alive my favorite 2 dubstep producers, Barely Alive being a duo, of course. You should check them out!
Jul 31, 2021
Right. Maybe I'll check it out someday. :)
Quack, quack, quack is the secret to all my recipes. It has that flare and "oomph!" needed for good stuff to happen. Simple, yet exceptionally effective if you just add a little quack-life to things!
Quack, scream and proclaim quack, I said! Before they hear us!!
Jul 31, 2021
Omg my obsession with Kid Krow started with Heather! It’s so pretty but also relatable for me and sometimes it makes me cry lol.
As for me I’m now the personification of my Yveltal from Y??? I named it Bandit um and now that’s my personality- you can call me Y tho
Anywayyyy I’m glad to have made a few hours of your life better <33
Jul 29, 2021
I love using good grammar and punctuation. I'm honestly surprised that many people don't. I mean, I know, it's the internet and being formal isn't everyone's first thought, but really? Sometimes it's barely even understandable to read. XD
OK! I posted a few stories below this post, as you can see. They're in a randomish order, but eh. And yeah. I know the feeling. XD
Yeah, Harvest Moon is a lot of fun. I just love seeing everyone's reactions. And thank you! :3
Chase is so sweet sometimes I can't even. He said there are perks to dating him, like all the desserts I could eat. For someone with my appetite, that's a great offer. XD
Jul 29, 2021
Primal vs. Gau Twilight
It was time. Primal was going to get rid of Gau and the other Gaus once and for all. He laughed and went to Team Flare's lab, which said "TEAM FLARE AT WORK THIS LAB IS SUPER SECRET AND HIDDEN AND YOU HAVEN'T FOUND IT" on a neon sign. He strolled inside and was attacked by a bunch of Team Flare Grunts. "WE'RE SO FASHIONABLE THAT WE PEED OUR RED PANTS FASHIONABLY" they screamed. Primal just Water Spouted them and they fell over and died. Then he went to their 'Super Duper Really Darn Secret Lab Where We're Draining Yveltal And Xerneas' Life Force For A Weapon To Kill Everyone'. He Origin Pulsed the equipment and Xerneas un-treed and Yveltal un-cocooned. "Hey I'm gonna destroy Gau Twilight and I need to use Xerneas to power the ultimate weapon." he said, as he didn't want to use Yveltal. "OH EM GEE DORP IF I KILL ALL THE GUAS ENNETH AND GUZMANNETH WILL LOVE ME" Xerneas shrieked. "Yeah sure." Then Lysandre walked in and his jaw hit the floor. "OMG YOU FREED THE LEGENDARIES THAT I WAS GONNA USE TO KILL EVERYONE LIKE GHETSIS AND CYRUS SAID UH I MEAN I WAS FEEDING THEM POKE PUFFS ALL DAY LONG" he cried. Primal used Thunder on him and led Xerneas all the way to the sea, which was hard because she was a complete and utter lameheaded idiot. Yveltal just blasted a hole in the ceiling with Focus Blast and flew away. Primal opened a portal to the world of Gau Twilight, which Pika had ranted about in great detail one day. After he tossed a can of baked beans inside to get Xerneas to enter, which she promptly ate, can and all, he headed inside as well. Then he nearly died. There were Gaus everywhere. And he meant everywhere. They were running through the grass, climbing in the trees, swimming in the water, climbing up the cliffs, and many other assorted things. Most of them were eating assorted foods. There were dozens. No, hundreds. Maybe thousands. As far as the eye could see. They all had different eye and hair colors and semed to be friends because they nuzzled each other and played with each other and had competitions with each other all the time. Food and drinks were even more plentiful than the Gaus, and assorted foods and drinks grew on magical trees. Everything from pizza to mac and cheese and soda to eggnog. And it was all the perfect temperature. Pasta was hot, soda was cold. The Gaus just plucked them off the trees, and all the water in the ponds and lakes was pure and could never be tainted or dirty no matter what. The temperature felt different for every Gau there, but it was always their preferred temperature and could change depending on what they wanted. The grass was soft as rabbit's fur. Primal felt like the land would be perfect if it wasn't filled with Gaus. Speaking of, the Gaus stopped what they were doing and approached Primal curiously. They tried to sniff him and nuzzle him, but he was repulsed. He magically made the ultimate weapon appear and the Gaus rubbed their faces against it affectionitely. "XERNEAS DO THE ULTIMATE WEAPON THINGY!" Primal commanded. Xerneas was having a seizure because of how much she hated Gau for being 'meenet' to Enneth, but said "OH DORPING PEE KAY IM GONNA KILLIED THE GATZ" as the weapon started absorbing her life force. The Gaus stared at the weapon in awe and nuzzled it very hard. Primal laughed maniacally and fired. He was blinded by a light, and when it faded, suddenly it was night. He expected all the Gaus to be dead or annihilated, but they were still there. In fact, they were glowing and looked energetic. For a moment, there was mostly silence. "WHY AREN'T THE GAUS DEAD?!" Primal yelled. Xerneas sat there for an unmesurable period of time before saying "OH DORP I GAVE THEM ETERNAL LIVE" Primal nearly wet his fins but his dignity was too high for that. The Gaus were slowly floating into the sky, shining brilliantly, reaching their hands up curiously as very pretty Pokemon anime music that I heard once played. Then they looked down at Primal and flew down to him. To Primal's alarm, they were growing angel wings. He prayed that this meant they were dying, but they weren't. They were Ascending into holy beings who would live among the stars. They all nuzzled him. He tried to attack them, but it failed miserably. Soon, the Gaus flew into the night sky using their powerful new wings, shining like stars. Eventually, they disappeared from view. Xerneas began to rant on why Guzma and Enneth were 'dorping hotteth' and Primal Thundered her. She fled back to the Pokemon world. Primal was upset that he hadn't destroyed them or the regular Gau who was busy sleeping in another world, but at least they were gone. Or so he thought. Suddenly, small, younger Gaus started to appear out of nowhere. It was the next generation of Gaus, created by holy energy. There was no end to them. Primal SCREE'd so hard that he went on a rampage and hid himself in the Seafloor Cavern for years.
The end.
Jul 29, 2021
Escape From D.O.R.P Labs
"DERP" Enneth shrieked as he drove, used in the loosest terms, down the street. His truck was a HeadX truck but with 'D.O.R.P Labs' spray-panted on it, though it was baked bean juice and not paint. Then Enneth spotted Gau, Gill, Pika, and Primal crossing the street. Although Gau was technically in a stroller and being pushed by Gill, who was dressed like an old woman and looked like his dignity was slowly and painfully dying. Why he was dressed like an old woman was unknown. "DORPETH MCREET GAU IS A MEENETH" Enneth screamed and tried to drive into him. However he ran over Gill instead, who was all right because the HeadX truck tires were made of giant inflated Ah Yesses. Gau peeked out of his stoller, pointed, and laughed at Gill. Pika didn't know what was going on and ended up standing directly on Gill's spine. Primal mentally went 'wtf'. Enneth was ten miles away before he said "WAIT A DORPING SECOND I DIDNT HIT GUA" He then made a u-turn back to the spot where everyone still was. Gill was standing out and cussing at Pika as Gau napped peacefully in his stroller. He tried to hit Gau with his truck, but once again sped toward Gill for some reason. "OH ENNETH GEE IM GOING TO DERPING HIT ENNETH" he screamed, mistaking Primal for himself while thinking he was going to hit Primal. He then smashed through the windshield and started punching his truck's headlights while suspended in midair. However the truck ran him over and ran Gill over again. Pika laughed so hard that she wet her pants. Enneth climbed back into the truck and pressed random buttons. This cast a net of baked beans over the frocky whee heads which they couldn't escape from, no matter how much Primal Water Spouted it. Enneth then 'drove' to D.O.R.P Labs, which stood for 'Dorp dOrp doRp dorP', where Parlor Swipple waited. "ENNETH IM BREAKING UP WITH BECAUSE YOU DIDNT DERPING TURD ON MY SPLEEN" she screamed. "OH ENNETH DORP-ORP-ORRRRRRRP" Enneth cried. Twenty break-ups later, Enneth decided to perform his "DORPING HOTLY EVIL" experiments. First, he decided to clone Gau for no reason, ignoring the fact that two Gaus would make the lives of the lameheads that much harder. However, the Gau clone had blond hair and green eyes and sparkled when he first appeared. "ITS A DOERPING SHYNEE" he shrieked. The fact that he knew somewhat what a Shiny was was almost impressive for Enneth. Shiny Gau and regular Gau looked at each other, sniffed the air, then Shiny Gau leapt at Gau. Enneth was joyous when he thought that the Gaus were going to kill each other, but then he realized that the two Gaus were just playing. Indeed, they ran around, tackled each other, yowled, nuzzled each other, and attempted to purr. Enneth cried into a can of baked beans when he realized that two Gaus wasn't going to help him. Meanwhile, Parlor Swipple was trying to make Pika wear what she called a 'been macareen cootie shoe', whatever on Earth that was, and sing her new rap song I Peed On Enneth's Bed So I Broke Up With Him. She had just got done stapling a bikini to Gill, who regained consciousness and tried to punch a hole in the wall. "MY DORPING SONGETH GOES LIKE OOOOOOOOOOHHHHHH WHO LIVES IN A PEE HED UNDER THE BEENS ENNETHBOB POOPPANTS WHO DIDNT ADMIRE ME PEEING ON HIS DERPING BED ENNETHBOB POOPPANTS THEN I BROKE UP WITH HIM AND WENT OH EM GEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEE" Gill was in the middle of putting actual clothes on and taking staples out of his shoulders when he heard Parlor Swipple singing and laughed until snot poured from his nose. Pika nearly spat on Parlor Swipple but decided that she was lower than the bacteria in her saliva. Then a loud SCREE was heard. Josh Kool was performing experiments on Primal. "FUC U PRIMA DONNA U FUCHED UR AS DUMM AS FIZZ SO U SHULD DYE!!!!1!!1!!1!!111!one!1!111!" Josh Kool yelled. Just then, the two Gaus, who had easily escaped from Enneth, charged at Josh Kool. "FUC U GAUZ IM A PROFESSONALLY ATTRACTIVE BLOND WOMAN AND LIFE ORB SUKS BCUZ POKEMASTER STOLED MY WEBSITE EVEN THOUGH I STOLING FROM HIZ!!!!!!1!!1111!!one!!!1!!" he shrieked. The Gaus laughed at him and used an epic Thamastriad Ultima, which blew Josh Kool into tiny versions of himself, all with assorted names. "fuc u fucheds" the smallest one squeaked from the floor because he was about half an inch tall. Regular Gau stepped on him as if he was an ant as Primal was released from the tube he had been in. He tried to look at his fins, but realized they were now arms. He felt a sudden, repulsive, disgusting craving for baked beans. He looked at the mirror that Enneth usually examined his derpy face in and saw that he was now a Groudon. He tried to SCREE, but it came out as "DORP" because he was Groudon. He scrambled his baked bean-filled bulk into the tube again, desperate to turn himself back into a Kyogre. The Gaus started hitting buttons on the control panel, and Prinal ended up as a rabbit, a ferret, a random Shiny Aipom, an Enneth, and finally back to a Kyogre again. The Gaus ran around, laughed, and yowled with glee. Then Pika, who looked like she was in pain, and Gill, who looked like he wanted to cause pain, dashed into the room. They both ha d melted Parlor Swipple albums dripping from them, and the Gaus laughed. Gill was about to punch them because of his intense embarrrassment and anger, but Pika shrieked joyfully and huggled the Gaus. "Let's name the blond one Zephyr!" she yelled despite having no idea why there were two Gaus. But before anyone could make any comments, an army of Enneths in bikinis stormed into the room. "WEVE DOORPED THE DORPS" they screamed and sung songs of praise for Ennethbob Pooppants. Everyone looked at each other in a 'wtf' manner. Primal then SCREEd and Water Spouted the Enneths, who exploded in a burst of baked beans. All of a sudden, a giant cannibalistic space Enneth ate the D.O.R.P Labs but not the frocky whee heads because "THEYRE SOO DERPING MEENETH THAT I CRYED" Gau and Zephyr nuzzled Pika as Primal wondered why the frick they had a button to turn people into Shiny Aipom in D.O.R.P Labs before remembering that it was because lameheads don't make any sense and never shall.
The end.
Jul 29, 2021