Feb 17, 2023
"How come my kroudon fly longer?"
Groudon Koraidon fusion confirmed?!!1?1!?1!1!?
Feb 17, 2023
Mr. Fish
Well gee Yuya, if I'm so ordinary, tell me where I can find other Raptors like me. Because you can't call me ordinary without comparing me to others of my kind. Assuming there are any. So, again, where can I find other Raptors? I don't think there are any. So happy wild goose chase!
Feb 17, 2023
TheRaptor. I'm THE Raptor. Ain't nobody takin my title.
Feb 16, 2023
Maybe we got off on the wrong foot last night. Maybe we had too much Bitter Herba. I'll provide Herba, but if anything goes wrong, don't say I didn't tell you.
Also, I'd like an in-depth paragraph on why you don't like me enough to provide Herba, simply so I can see what flucked up things you have to say.
Feb 15, 2023
Mr. Fish
Level 100 Shiny Alpha Decidueye with Max Stats vs Arceus
Feb 15, 2023
It is definitely a shame but admittedly the West was saved from how Yusei blundered things with Akiza lmao. But yeah, that's understandable I've been taking a break from Yugioh as well but obviously more on the competitive scene rather than the show, oddly enough a lore deck broke the game for x-amount of months and only recently has it been fixed.
I mentioned the Albaz lore before prior but we recently got another side lore story called the "Visas Starfrost" lore and it's quite interesting as the titular protagonist starts off as an effect monster and goes through the multiverse to find and defeat the evil versions of himself which I think recently concluded with Visas being corrupted and turning into a fusion monster and losing to his Synchro counterpart. Really interesting though, do check it and the updated Albaz lore out if you feel like delving back into Yugioh a little bit more.
Feb 15, 2023
Lorna Shore
- We ask-
Paranormal Sudoku Hack Derby Part 1
???: wind, wind... [Keunen n. ] At the start! I can't go!
Oris: Stop it, Dan! [So these two words are good and beautiful. ] We must continue! We get it or the Matrix Oddity Gang is coming! [Wait, I don't remember what they want.
Rand: Come on, I can't... uh... [Rand is busy. ]
(short margin) [(style marker)].
First things first: corners!
Rand: ... Uh ... No ... Start, don't lead me ... Go ... [Is Rand a friend? I think Rand is a girl. ]
Begins: But Randi... you can't survive! odd matrix -.
Randi: M-Matrix Oddity or No Matrix Oddity…we need you…we will all miss you… [I have to admit I love this joke. ] You can't go back, I said... Please. come .. please and . ]
Begins: R-Randi....I... [what].
(He looked at Randi for a moment, then turned away) We're wise. This is the daughter of Hus. ]
Rand: ...please ...begin.
Feb 14, 2023
Mr. Fish