oh hahaha well that's a pleasant surprise that you've read that and remembered it ^_^ it is a cool name fr fr
that aside, im dog tired because im old now and i have this super important and tough exam and i've gotta study all the time except clearly im on pokebase T-T
(loop me in, young one, what's a gau and what promises does gau offer to its followers)
Feb 25, 2023
get one. ride it. fail. tell me. watch me laugh.
Feb 25, 2023
can you ride a pogo stick
Feb 25, 2023
I ain’t the sharpest gau in the shed
Feb 25, 2023
I’ve completed the game and I have a unicorn in my team
Feb 24, 2023
Vibrant Vaporeon
Also, my Pokemon GO Friend code is in my wall, the part before you can say things in the wall, i have it there
"Edit": if you want to know what one, is this one: 3407 2412 1809
Feb 24, 2023
Toon Link Gaming64
I am trying to get a Blaziken in Pokemon (evolution) because others are too far, i need 100 Torchic Candy and i had to use 1 rare Candy, and that helped 0000000000000000001% so i have the Combusken i'm trying to evolve as a buddy, so i get Looooooong but passive Candy but still that doesn't help THAT much but still, Torchic sometimes spawn near me and i try to catch them with a Pinap Berry so i get more Candy, also if you ask, i don't have a Fire Mega (my only one is Beedrill) so i can't do much btw
Feb 24, 2023
Toon Link Gaming64
odang it was you who called me rex. that's a name from a looong time ago, were we frens then? if so, hey again, sry i dont recall u, hope u r doing good.
if not, :0
Feb 23, 2023
Go search "Super Saiyan Big Bang Kamehameha" (or something along those lines, my friend has a mystical skill with keywords that let him get the coolest/weirdest things ever). You'll understand just how cool Goku is. Though I think Naruto and One Punch Man are much funnier/better. Also, Jujutsu Kaisen.
Well, Light being your servant and punching bag doesn't sound so bad after all. Just don't mention the letters S, I, M and P in that particular order. Or C, R, U, S and H for that matter.
What's up with me? A girl just randomly asked my permission to flirt with me and disappeared
Feb 23, 2023