PokéBase - Pokémon Q&A

Wall for BottomlessSea (page 48)

I've been playing Final Fantasy Mystic Quest lately. It has some absoutely awesome boss music, but jeez. The characters have little personality, the overworld is too easy to navigate, the story is dull, the characters don't seem to have any backstory, the combat is really darn simple, you can legit start a battle over if you're defeated... and the Life spell is too overpowered. Revives someone if they're defeated, fully restores their HP, and cures any status ailments I'm pretty sure. Oh, and the characters that join your party leave after a while, and during the time they're there, they're like five levels higher than me and tear through most enemies. The maximum party size seems to be two, but really? The game is fun to me, sure, but so is almost any game ever. Final Fantasy 6 (or 3 if you're playing the SNES version) is way better, with more interesting characters, a gripping plot, great music, ect.. The graphics are better too. I know they weren't released at the same time or anything, but if you're gonna play an SNES Final Fantasy game, I'd advise you to go with 3 over Mystic Quest. Gau fangirl or not, FInal Fantasy 6 is an amazing game. Mystic Quest is just... aye yai yai.

Final Fantasy Mystic Quest characters: "Oh hey random person I've never met I'm gonna join you on your adventure. Oh hey random person I've never met who wants me to go with you on your adventure for some reason I'll join you. Oh hey random person I've never met I'm gonna leave for ten minutes bye. Oh hey random person I've never met I'm back. Oh hey random person I've never met I'm going to risk my life fighting enemies for you. Oh hey random person I've never met I'm going to fight this boss with you. Oh hey random person I've never met I'm five levels higher than you and decimate everything."
Main character guy mentally: "what"
Jun 13, 2021 by Gau
List of things me and Gau have in common (in progress):

Zodiac sign
Fear of heights
Can't use weapons (in some games he can but still)
Multiple personality traits I'm too lazy to name
Some other stuff I'm still too lazy for
Jun 12, 2021 by Gau
Jun 11, 2021 by Gau
I'm gonna make a list of things me and Gau have in common.
Jun 11, 2021 by Gau
Jun 11, 2021 by Gau
2 hours from now
So Terra's hair was green and Gau's was blond in Final Fantasy 6... and now Terra's is blond or something and Gau's is green. Yeah nice consistency.
Jun 11, 2021 by Gau
Jun 10, 2021 by Gau

Petition to change the name of this 'team' to "Rate my dumb gimmick that's against the rules (BSS Singles)"
Jun 10, 2021 by Gau
I don't care about your pizza. I beat Kaiser Dragon first try.

Yes I'm being serious Gau pretty much solo'd Kaiser Dragon on the first attempt.

I'm still celebrating.
Jun 10, 2021 by Gau
I swear people need to learn how Poltergeist works. Poltergeist and Knock Off on the same set is really weird synergy.
Jun 10, 2021 by -RisingManectric-