oh and i fixed the friend thingy
May 11, 2020
May 11, 2020
Ohhh I cringed more! Success!!!
May 11, 2020
My new fanfic with my OC going to school with Pokemon characters time!
Day 1
Sometimes, I HATE life. So, I was perfectly fine where I was. I had friends, a good school, a nice house... then mom tells me that we gotta MOVE. I practically cried my eyes out and she didn't get it. She apparently didn't learn from the other times that we moved THAT I DON'T LIKE MOVING. My big brother was kinda fine with it. He said good-bye to his friends, got ready, and was fine the entire way. And ME? I was up all night crying and whining that I OVERSELPT and MISSED my chance to say good-bye to my friends, FELL OUT of bed, tripped when getting out of the bath and FELL FACE-FLAT ON THE BATHROOM FLOOR, POURED CEREAL on my clothing, broke down in TEARS, forgot to take off my cereal-y PJs and walked OUTSIDE with them on before being LAUGHTED AT by a nieghbor kid, put my shirt on INSIDE OUT, made us almost MISS THE PLANE, FELL ASLEEP on the way and had to be SHAKEN AWAKE, then got DIVE-BOMBED at by a large bird and FAINTED, all before we even REACHED the new house. I'm NOT kidding. So I woke up at 4 PM in my bed in the new house, wondering what the frick HAPPENED. Then I remembered. But since I'd never never seen my new house before, I SCREAMED, not knowing where I was, and when my mom and big brother stormed into the room worriedly, I felt VERY inclined to hide under my pillow. They explained that I had fainted. Due to a bird. In the street. While people stared. "Don't worry, little sis. You'll get used to it." my brother had said. But I was not in the mood for anyone talking to me, so I chased them out of my new room with a pillow. Then I closed the window to muffle the birds chirping. Later on, I heard a knock on my door, and I heard "Pika, tomorrow, you''re going to be enrolled at a new school, okay?" My response was "Mom, tomorrow, I'm going to jump out of this window and break my arm, okay?" I could FEEL the eye-roll I knew my mom was performing. So I decided to sit down with my new diary and begin writing. Also, my STUPID tears kept falling on the paper. Tomorrow'll be like a new life for me. A life I'll probably wish would DIE.
May 10, 2020
(Still Aether, but now we are in the back of HQ. Pika is exploring when she hears sounds coming from a further corner. [ARE THE SOUNDS MY FRIENDS CRINGING?!])
Pika: He-hello? Is-is someone there? (Drifty growls as though protecting Pika, but she calls him off) [I bet he's SO threatening.] Helloo?
???: (through sniffles) Sh-she c-can't d-do this, she just c-can't! [Frick, my eyes legit teared up reading that.]
Pika: (spotting Gladion) Uhm, Gladion? What's the matter? (her voice is full of concern) Are-are you okay?
Gladion: (without looking up, his face is buried in his hands) G-GO AWAY! [No.]
Pika: (looking more concerned) Hey, c'mon, what's the matter? [Huggle him please.]
Gladion: M-mother is hurting Mallory, that Medicham Kiara brought back... sh-she's doing t-tests on her... it-it's so wrong, I-I tried to stop her, b-but she said I was unworthy of being in her presence, then she shocked Mallory, leaving her knocked out...
Pika: That's just awful! And she did WHILE you were there?
Gladion: Yeah... (he starts silently crying and drops his head down) [All right, time to begin Mission ML, or Murder Lusamine.]
Pika: (reaching out to him and hugging him. He doesn't draw away, instead, he accepts her hug) [He'd better.] That is just so wrong... we need to tell Kiara and X.
Gladion: (still upset) Agreed, and we need to save Mallory ASAP. (in the distance, unoticed, stands a boy Kiara's age with dark hair and eyes. [HA HA THEY IGNORED HIM!] He seems confused as to where he is, and he looks pretty weak, like he's ill or something. It is Paul) [Me: (in Borg voice) It is Paul.]
(Aether HQ, dorm rooms hall. This scene is happening when Pika ran into Gladion)
Kiara: X?! Hey, X, where'd you go? [He went to dieded.] Is everything okay?
X: (he is talking to himself but Kiara hears him) ...Trapped. I was trapped. I couldn't move, there was nowhere to go... [Were there walls of spikes closing in on you? If not, there's very little reason to freak out.]
Kiara: X? (she goes further down the hall, finding him hidden away in a corner with his knees up to his chest) There you are. What do you mean, "trapped?" [He means "stuck in my mom's basement while she cooks cookies and doesn't let me eat any of them".]
X: (jumping in surprise a little. He looks shy, like he didn't want Kiara seeing him like this) K-Kiara? Wh-what are you doing here? I-I mean you don't need to see this, me like this I mean. [Why not?]
Kiara: But X, I thought we were friends. Friends shouldn't keep secrets from each other. Now, c'mon, what's all this about being "trapped?"
X: (sighing, he explains his almost confrontation with Lusamine and Faba) I hate being in a situation where there's nowhere for me to go. No escape...
Kiara: Ohh, aw, X, you don't have to worry about zero escape routes. My friend Paul from Sinnoh and me always made up secret escape routes. It was fun, but I also know how to do it for real. [TEACH ME, NERDETTE!] (she gets a faraway look in her eyes)
X: I think that's first you've mentioned Sinnoh around me. I assumed you just didn't like Sinnoh. [No, you were thinking of me.]
Kiara: Didn't like Sinnoh?! No, I loved it! [I didn't.] My mom made me move right after I'd started my journey. I had my starter, (she shakes Monferno's Poké Ball) my Badge case, (she takes a sleek black and blue Badge case out of her bag, but it's empty) [Badgeless nerd.] and Paul said he wanted to go with me as a friend and as a mentor since he had already been in the Sinnoh League. But my mom got a job offer as a Pokémon Center assistant here in Alola, so she guessed I would be "ecstatic". I hated Alola at first because I was cut off from all my friends, but then I met Lillie and it was almost okay. [ALMOST okay...?] After that I met you, Ms. Lusamine, Faba, Professor Kukui, Wicke, and finally Mallory. Now I'm really okay with Alola. [Actually, you met Loserine, Traitor Dude, and Professor Needs-A-Shirt. And you should LOVE THE FRIKEING PLACE, IT'S BEAUTIFUL!]
X: (looking surprised) Wow, I can't believe how wrong I was. Sorry.
Kiara: Meh, don't apologize, it's my fault, I never said anything- (she suddenly stops and looks like she is listening to something) ...No... no, no, no, Mallory? C'mon, say something... anything, please... [SHE'S CAN'T TALK!]
X: Uh... Kiara? Mallory's not he- (he is interupted by Pika and Gladion running towards them. Kiara and X stand up quickly. They can tell something's not right because it looks like Gladion has been crying and Pika looks both excited and scared) [Gladion, can I play with your hair, please?]
X: Gladion? Are you okay?
Kiara: It's Mallory, isn't it? She was speaking to me, then I felt a weird static sensation, and nothing. [Bzzzzzz-rrrrrttt-zzzzttt.]
Gladion: (trying to catch his breath) Mo-mother was... was supposed to be... healing... M-Mallory, but... [But they dieded.] (Pika cuts him off)
Kiara: What the hex nut?! I thought-
Gladion: What? That she was being truthful? If there's one thing my mother ISN'T, it's honest. [And THAT'S the truth.] When it comes to how she will treat Pokémon, she only wants them for herself. She never wanted YOU to keep the Pokémon you brought back from Ultra Space, let alone call them by their true names. [Their names are kind alame, but eh.]
Pika: If we don't stop Lusamine, Mallory will be the one who has to pay for Lusamine's anger! [Random un-Pika-like thing to say.]
Kiara: (angry) All right, we're coming, Mallory!
Pika: C'mon, what're we waiting for?! Let's go! (with Gladion and Kiara leading the dash to the elevator and for B1) [But I wanna lead the daaaaaash!]
May 10, 2020
Faller scene 9 (act two scene 2)
(Aether Paradise, outside of main building. Mallory is half hidden behind Kiara and shaking in fear. X looks around as though he's planning an escape, and Pika has her hands on her hips, looking all around her. [Pika: I'M BORED!])
X: Well... here we are. So here, you got to see it, now are you satisfied? [No.]
Pika: What's with you, anyway? [He's a lamehead, that's what's with him.] And no, I want to meet Gladion, Lillie, and Ms. Lusamine. I really couldn't care less about the others. [Spoken like a true hero, Pika. (salutes)]
Kiara: C'mon, you two. (she sounds exasperated) We are supposed to be friends- (she would've continued but suddenly Pika took off running) [HA HA!]
Pika: (calling out) Hi, Lillie! My name's Pika! (as she runs she trips over a upraised piece of metal) Omph! ["She's as graceful as a frozen turd." -Roger from American Dad]
Kiara: (running to Pika's side, Mallory worriedly following along, leaving X by himself) You okay? [Take a wild guess.]
X: (out of earshot of the girls) (sighing) Why did she have to come? [Because you're a booger brain.] At least Kiara was quiet... well, quieter. [LOUD IS FUN! GLADION TAUGHT ME THAT BY ASKING IF I'VE EVER HEARD THE EXPRESSION THAT SILENCE IS GOLDEN! AAAAAUUUUUHHHHH!] (he hears two voices. One is Lusamine's, the other Faba's)
Lusamine: Good, they're back. [And you're a looser.] Now we can research the Pokémon they brought back.
Faba: Re-research? Ms. Lusamine, you want to research the Pokémon who are brought back? Did you tell Kiara and X this? [Yeah, sure, she told them ALLLLLLLL about it. NERD.]
Lusamine: No, and I don't plan to either. [Dun-dun-dun-dah!] They may misunderstand. It's not like I'll be messing with the Pokémon's food, I'll just run a few painless tests, see their move-sets and Abilities and keep them safe. [NERDETTE.]
Faba: But-but, Ms. Lusamine, you would be lying to the Trainers. They wanted to "rescue", not "experiment". Besides, I have reason to believe that X may suspect us of doing other, uh, "research". If you do this, you'll be giving more ammo for him to distrust you. [SINCE WHEN DID MR. I-BETRAYED-THE-AETHER-FOUNDATION-AND-GOT-DEMOTED GIVE A FLICKING FRIKE?!]
Lusamine: Honestly, Faba, I appreciate the warning, but I don't see what the issue is. After all, X and Kiara ARE rescuing Wormhole Pokémon, so that's not a lie. ["Yay, one thing I said wasn't a lies!"] (their voices are getting louder and closer now, and X realizes he's alone with no place to hide)
X: No, no, not again... not now... c'mon, c'mon, X, where can you go? [To the moon.] (his breathing gets quicker and more shallow and he's doing so well) Gotta be somewhere you can go... (then Kiara and Mallory and even Pika are there. Kiara holds out her hand to X, but he's paralyzed in fear. [X-Nerd.] Mallory and Pika exchange a look and get behind X, whom they they push towards the doors. Kiara is next to him looking concerned. Once inside, X runs towards the doors that lead to the bedrooms)
Pika: What the hex nut was that about? [It was about flicking frikes.]
Kiara: I don't know, I've never seen him like that before. Granted, I've only seen him for a couple days, but still... [Wowzers, I knowed hims for a fews days, so this is supers mysterioused!]
Mallory: (telepathically) I almost feel sorry for him... almost. [Nerdicham.]
Pika: Whoa, cool, telepathy! [Whoa, cool, Nerdicham head talking powers!] Also, you must really not like X, how come? ['Cause he's an X-Nerd.]
Kiara: (answering for Mallory) Well, you see, Pika, Mallory hates guys in general for a good reason. Her original Trainer was a guy who A. Refused to call her Mallory, claiming it was "too human for a simple Pokémon", and B. He threw her quite literally into Ultra Space. [That dude was retarded.]
Pika: Oof, I-I'm sorry, Mallory...
Kiara: (sharing eye contact with Mallory) Yeah, I'll tell her. (to Pika) She says thank you and to please not tell anyone else unless ganted permission.
Pika: I would never! [Me: "Well, bye-bye! (runs off and tells everyone)"] (coming in from outside, Lusamine fixes her gaze immediatley on Mallory)
Lusamine: Hello there, little Medicham, and what a fine Medicham you are indeed... [Nerderine.]
Kiara: Um, Ms. Lusamine, her name's Mallory.
Lusamine: Who's name? Your new friend? (she gestures at Pika) [NO, YOUR MOM'S NAME IS MALLORY!]
Kiara: No, that's Pika. I was referring to Medicham, her name's Mallory.
Lusamine: Oh, so you went ahead and nicknamed a Pokémon that's not even yours?
Kiara: Actually, I did catch her, in this. (holds up the Luxury Ball) See? Oh, and I didn't "nickname" her, she told me herself, her name's Mallory. ["...The cries for help that no one could hear but you, magically." -Hex 2020]
Lusamine: I... see. Ahem. Anyway, I'll take Mallory (she stretches out the name) [Maaaaaaaaallllllllllloooooooooooorrrrrrrrrrrrrrryyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy.] to our healing ward. Er, wing. [Dumbledore can't even get that right.] By the way, where's X?
Kiara: I don't know, he ran off as soon as we got here. I don't think he was felling well. We, uh, kinda crash landed in a blue Wormhole and he was knocked out for a couple minutes. [Kahngradulatons.]
Lusamine: I see. (she grumbles something that no one can understand) [Lusamine: ib329082g9t$Y(Ynpoq2bnibgq0bgowubgev(*&GGFO@GF#f] Well, alright, come along, Mallory. (she turns to go but Mallory stays in place) I said come. (she emphasizes "come", and Mallory reluctantly follows)
Kiara: Well, alright, Mallory will be good as new, now even more than she was with me and X. [How do you know, nerdette?] Speaking of whom, I am actually worried about him, so I'm gonna see if I can find him and make sure he's okay. I guess you can do whatever you like, just no more tripping, 'kay? [WHY NOOOOOOT?] (there's a friendly tease in Kiara's voice. She heads to the bedroom hall while Pika dashes around Aether with Drifty, who has just jumped out of Pika's Poké Ball pocket, presumably, out of his Poké Ball)
Faller Scene 10 act two scene 3
(Inside Aether HQ. Pika is pacing. [How exciting. (paces in circles and gets yelled at by mom)])
Pika: C'mon, Gladion, I wanna meet you face... to... face. [Wait, you wanna kiss him on the mouth? You haven't even met him yet! What do you mean that's not what she means?!] (she paces straight into someone, knocking the other person over) ["Smooth moves, doofus!" -Roger from American Dad]
???: Omph! What the-
Pika: Ugh, s-sorry... (she looks up to see that she literally ran into Gladion who is faceplanted on the floor) [Woo, I sure do love faceplanting Gladions, yes sir.] Oh my gosh, I am so, so sorry! Are-are you okay?
Gladion: (muffled) Not exactly... (it came out as "ot xaly") [Ot xaly to ya too.]
Pika: (giving him a hand) Oh, wow, hi, Gladion, my name's Pika. ["Oh, wow, hi" is fun to say.]
Gladion: How-how did you know my name? [Because your spirits were destined to be connected from the previous life.] Ah, nevermind, I need to hurry. (he looks around, realizing all his papers are scattered everywhere ) No, no, no, agh, I'm gonna be late... (to self) And mother's already ticked at me... [That sounds a LOT like my life.]
Pika: Well, um, Drifty and I can help! Drifty's my Sylveon, by the way. [Really?! I thought he was a Phanphy! Thanks for the info!] (she turns towards Drifty) Alright, Drifty, Whirlwind! (the papers scatter up into the air and remarkably go right back in order) [Iz mahgocks.]
Gladion: Oh, wow, thank you. (he seems surprised that Pika helped just like that)
Pika: No prob, always happy to help! Especially if it's you. (she winks) [She is trying to initate the early courtship ritual.]
Gladion: Uhm, alright then. Well, thank you. (he leaves a slight smile on his face) [Mr. Cutie Pie.]
Pika: You're welcome!
May 10, 2020
Faller scene 8
(Altar of the Sunne. Pacing in front of the Wormhole entrance is a girl wearing a tuxedo and black pants. [Oh, black pants? Oops, I thought her pants were scarlet red and smelled like garlic.] She has short brown hair and bright, excited eyes. [She is May 2.0.] She is taken aback when the Wormhole widens and Solgaleo jumps out. [12 years on this planet and I still don't know what "aback" means.] As an instinct, she pulls out a Poké Ball and calls out a Pokémon.)
???: Drifty, I choose you! I know you can do it! Use Fire Blast! [Burn, baby, burn!]
Kiara: What the-! [-frike.] (Solgaleo flies away with Kiara and X, who is half awake and still on its back, successfully avoiding the kamikaze Fire Blast)
Mallory: (telepathically) What the hex nut is wrong with you? [I don't have any nut hexes in me and they aren't wrong with what.] Are you TRYING to kill my new friends? [Yes.]
???: Maaaybe, maaaybe not. [YES!] I AM however coma trying to st- wait, hold the Phione, did you just... talk... to... me?
Mallory: (telepathically) No, I was talking to to your mom. Yes, I talked to you! [I thought my mom was you.]
Kiara: (hissing) Mallory, stop. We don't know what this girl's capable of. She may be a hunter. [Yeah, man, I'm a TOUGH HUNTER, and I'm gonna take my loaded ROCKET LAUNCHER and get myself some DIN-DIN. Wait, different kind of hunter? Oh.]
???: A-a hunter?! What?! [My thoughts exactly.] Listen, my name's Pika. That's right, P-I-K-A, Pika.
X: Alright, alright, we get it! You're Pika like Pikachu! Cool, but, uhm, wh-what are you doing here? [I'm DYING.] Other than trying to torch us via- wait, Fire Blast? Hang on, where's the Fire-type? [The Fire-type is dead, I killed him.]
Pika: No Fire-type... yet. Just Drifty. [Just an FYI, I misspelled Drifty as Diefty, Dprfty, and Dorfty.] (she points at her Shiny Sylveon) He has... interesting moves.
X: I'll say.
Kiara: Gah, we can't talk much longer, we need to head back to Aether real soon. [Why? X wanted to stay in Ultra Space, I think, so NOW you're suddenly outta time?]
Pika: (wide eyed) Did you say "Aether?" [No, he said "your mom".]
Kiara: Uh, yeah, we work there as part of Mission UR. [UR stands for Unmade Rabbits.]
Pika: Ooh, Aether equals Gladion and Gladion equals- [KAWAIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII!]
X: Lusamine! [Get Loserine outta my Kawaii.]
Pika: What? I was gonna say something else entirely, but...
X: No, I mean we have to go back. But Lusamine was furious when we left. (shudders) I hope she's calm now. [If she's not, I'll call Drifty on her.]
Pika: Hmm... do you think that maybe I could help?
Kiara: Well, I don't see why not.
X: I do. Kiara, we can't just say 'here's a new recruit'. That's not our job. [L-A-M, add an E. That spells lame and lame is YOU.]
Mallory: (telepathically) What IS your job? [To make random commentaries that are really cringey and dumb and random and-]
Kiara: To rescue unfortunate Pokémon like yourself with nowhere else to turn to to. [THAT'S NOT MY JOB.] Sorry I quoted Ms. Lusamine.
X: I'll say. ["I'll say." -X 2020]
Mallory: (telepathically) No, no, please no. I-I can't stand labs. [Can you stand them with a fox? Can you stand them in a box?] Don't make me go and DON'T give me to some some stranger. (she buries her head in Kiara's shoulder)
Kiara: Shh, shh. It's okay, I won't leave you alone. [Why not?] Shh, okay. (X looks away but he has a small smile. Kiara, Mallory, and X jump off Solgaleo and get ready to head to Aether. Mallory does not return to her Luxury Ball, instead choosing to walk alongside Kiara. Pika follows, uninvited but cheerful) [Just like me in real life.]
Pika: So, are we walking or flying? [We're dying.]
X: "We?" Pika, you can't just- [I CAN JUST!]
Kiara: (giving X a sharp look) We're flying after we get off the Altar. [WHY CAN'T WE FLY ON THE ALTAR?!] Mallory, you'll have to return then. You can come back out once we land at Aether.
Mallory: (in Kiara's head) [Mallory got inside of Kiara's head? She's like 4 feet tall, I don't think she'd fit in there...] Okay, and thank you for saving me in Ultra Space. (everyone leaves the Altar. Pika is skipping instead of walking, Mallory is holding Kiara's hand like she were Kiara's little sister, and X is lagging behind) [Energetic I am.]
May 10, 2020
Things in [] are my comments.
Faller scene 5
(We are inside an Ultra Wormhole. [We are? Yay, thanks for the info!] X and Kiara are just about 3,0”” light-years away)
X: Oh, wow.
Kiara: Wow for sure. (both are looking around in amazement) [Looking at WHAT?]
X: Kiara? Shouldn't we land soon? [No.]
Kiara: Probably. Ohh! I spy a yellow Wormhole! [I spy a dorkenstien.] (she guides Solgaleo up and to the left)
X: Woah! (he shields his eyes from the intense light)
Kiara: Oh, come on, X, it's NOT THAT BAD.
X: Says the girl wearing dark sunglasses and a baseball cap.
Kiara: Unlike you, I was prepared. (he snorts) [SNORTING IS MY JOB! X STOLE MY JOB!]
X: Only because Lusamine told you.
Kiara: What's that supposed to mean? (they get warped into the Wormhole)
X: It means we're here.
Kiara: Huh? Oh yeah, I know we're here. [I don't get it.] (she takes off her sunglasses, placing them on her hat) It's like... a cave here. [Wowzers, a caveses.]
X: Well, it IS called the Ultra Cave. At least, that's what I'd call it. [X, professional job stealer and lame namer.]
Kiara: (thinking) Hmm... Ultra Cave, huh? I like that. [Kiara is apperently very much boring.]
X: Thanks. C'mon, let's look around here. (they split up, Kiara going towards the back wall, X staying near the entrance)
Kiara: (from back) Monferno! I know you can do this! (Monferno cries out in pure joy, only to get cut off by a sound that doesn't dound good) [Is the sound me laughing at my own jokes?]
X: Uhh, Kiara? Everything okay?
Kiara: Um, not really. Take a look here. [They find... ME, writing this commentary! Dun dun dun!] (she is kneeling next to a prone form on the ground. It's a blue Medicham, a female, and she appears ill) [And I apparently turned into an ill blue Medicham.] Oh no, I-I think she's burning up! [What, I'm on fire?] We gotta help her.
X: (sitting next to Kiara, he touches Medicham's forehead) [DON'T TOUCH FIRE, DUMMY!] Yeah, she is. I can fix it though, I think. [GET THE FIRE EXTINGUISHER, X!] (just then, Medicham sits bolt upright, tries to stand, falls, and then crawls behind Kiara) [KIARA! YOU'RE GONNA BE CATCHED ON FIRE, LOOK OUT!]
Kiara: Uh, X? I don't think she likes you too much. [Pretty picky for a flaming Medicham.] I got this. (she rumages through her bag and takes out an Oran Berry, as well as Pecha and Sitrus Berries. she blends them into a juice in a canteen and helps Medicham drink) [HOW IS DRINKING A FRUIT SMOOTHIE GONNA PUT OUT HER FIRE?!] There ya go, Mallory. That's it. Easy, nice and slow now.
X: Hold up, Mallory? Who says you get to name them anyway?
Kiara: (gesteruing at Medicham) She does. I didn't name her, that it was already her name. Her Trainer never bothered to learn it, so I will call her Mallory. [I think you should call her "AHHH I'M ON FIAHHHHHHHHHHH!".] Also, she wants me to catch her, so I will with this. (she pulls out a Luxury Ball) [Why not a Friend Ball? Nerd.]
X: Erm, okay but don't you have to- (Medicham high fives the Luxury Ball and it's a crtical catch) [Critical CAPTURE.]
Kiara: Battle? Guess not. C'mon, let's get her to Aether.
Faller scene 7
(Still in Ultra Space. [Whoopee.] X and Kiara are unusally quiet, espically Kiara.)
X: Alright, what was all that about?
Kiara: What was what all about? (she is quiet)
X. All that with saying Medicham TOLD you stuff. I, for one, heard nothing. [YOU COULDN'T HEAR ME LAUGH AT MY OWN LAME JOKES?!]
Kiara: (sighing and rolling her eyes) I don't really know, I just know she's called Mallory. I, like, heard her in my mind. [I, like, think you've LOST your mind.]
X: "In your mind?" What- (he would've gone on, but just then they were warped into a blue Wormhole) [Oh noes.]
Kiara: Woah!
X: I don't like this! (they pass out from the power radiating off the Wormhole. ["I don't like this!" DEAD. Also, why'd they faint THIS time and not the OTHER time?] When they come to, X is flat in his back and Kiara is somehow inside a barrier. [HOW IS THE BARRIER?] Mallory has popped out of her Poké Ball)
Kiara: Mallory?! What are you doing? [Dying.]
Mallory: (in Kiara's head) I am protecting you.
Miara: Well, what about X?
Mallory: (in Kiara's head) He's a he. I for one don't care if he's okay. [Say that to Gladion and I'll show you what the meaning of pain is.]
Kiara: Well, I do. Please let me go to him. He may be hurt. At the very least he'll be soaked, seeing as the ground is, like, 2 inches of water, probably more. [(splashes water on people)] (reluctantly, Mallory opens the barrier and Kiara rushes over to X's side) X? C'mon, X, wake up!
X: (groaning) Omph. Sheesh, what happened? [You dieded.] (he tries to stand but has to grab Kiara's shirt sleeve)
Kiara: Easy, X, relax. I think we better go back to Aether, okay?
X: : Not really, but I don't think I'm getting a choice, am I?
Kiara: Nope! [Sounds like my life.] C'mon, Mallory. You better rest as well. Thanks for the Barrier. (Mallory is returned to her Luxury Ball) Alright, let's go. This time, though, I'm driving. [Uh, it's RIDING, not DRIVING. You don't DRIVE Solgaleos.]
May 10, 2020
"This is it." said a voice. A group of people were standing around eight cylindrical tubes. They were filled with liquid and had something inside of each. A Pokemon. One of the people pressed a button, and the liquid drained out of the tubes, causing the Pokemon to slowly descend to the bottom. The cords attached to them fell off, leaving them lying there. They didn't move. "What? Was this a failure?" "No, of course not. It was a success. They're merely unconscious." One of them stirred and opened its eyes. It was a female Fennekin. '...What...? Where... where am I...?' she thought, then coughed. She looked around to find herself contained inside of a tube. But that wasn't what caught her attention. What caught her attention were the Pokemon around her, contained in the same way she was. '...Zorua... Litwick... Elgyem... Snivy... Amaura... Litten... Buizel... I... I've never seen these Pokemon before, but... it's like I know them... yes, I... I know these Pokemon...' The other Pokemon stirred and opened their eyes, seemingly as confused as the Fennekin was. "Fennekin, Zorua, Litwick, Elgyem, Snivy, Amaura, Litten, and Buizel are stable." "Should we test them out now?" "No. No matter how powerful they may be, they don't know their own power yet. We will test them out in a few days." "All right." Most of the people left the room, but one stayed behind. The person pressed a few buttons on a console, and the lights shut off. The person then left and closed the door behind them. The Fennekin looked around, but it was hard to see in the darkness. She laid down and curled up into a ball. "Hey." The Fennekin poked her head out and looked at the tube next to her and saw a Litwick. The Litwick's amber flame flickered weakly and she stared at the Fennekin worriedly. "Are you all right?" the Litwick asked. "I guess so... I'm not hurt or anything, I mean..." she responded. "Then you are okay, not much guessing involved there." the Zorua said, holding her white paws up to the glass side of the tube. "Well, uh... that was kinda obvious." said the Amaura. Her emerald-colored gems shone in the Litwick's pale flame. "But hey, where are we?" the Snivy asked, confusion shining in her purple eyes. "It seems like we're in some sort of laboratory..." the Elgyem responded, head tilted sideways. "Oh, lovely, my favorite place to be." said the Litten sarcastically. The Fennekin noticed that the pattern on her forehead was also on her left arm and left leg. "Hey... I would say cheer up, but under the circumstances..." The Fennekin turned to see the Buizel staring at them sadly. He was a vibrant blue. "What... what should we do?" the Fennekin asked. They group stared at each other. "Well... I guess we'll find out. I dunno about you, but I'm pretty tired..." the Snivy said, and yawned before curling up and closing her eyes. The rest of the group did the same, all going to sleep. The Fennekin attempted to get comfortable, but her mind was filled with questions. 'Why am I here? Why do I seem to know these Pokemon? What do I do? What's going to happen?' she wondered as she slowly closed her eyes. 'Who... who am I?'
May 10, 2020