For a second, all was silent. Then Hex yelled "Yes! We did it!" in triumph, and started doing a ridiculous victory dance with Pika. "At least they're in high spirits..." N muttered. Then he turned to thank Meta-Man for his help, but he was gone. "Huh... rather unpredictable, I guess." he said. Then he turned to the Glaceon. "Kylani?" he asked. She started shuddering, looking terrified. Hex and Pika stopped in the middle of their weird hand gestures and walked over to her. "So... that's Kylani, huh?" Pika asked, looking very skeptical. "Yes, I'm sure of it. The cries for help were coming from her, and she had Kylani's voice." "...The cries for help that no one could hear but you, magically." Hex said, rolling her eyes. "N can hear Pokémon's speech or something." Pika said, shrugging. "Really?" "Yeah." "Cool." N gritted his teeth, feeling annoyed that they seemed to think he was crazy. Pika stepped forward, and the Glaceon stepped back. "If this is Kylani, why the flip did she turn into a Glace-" Suddenly, she summoned a Blizzard and froze Pika. "Ahh!" Hex cried, as the Glaceon ran off. "Kylani! Wait!" he started to run after her, but Hex grabbed his arm. "What about Pika?!" she cried. "Oh... that." N muttered. Suddenly, Growlithe started running towards them, barking. "Growlithe? What are you doing here?" he asked. Growlithe sat down in front of him and stared up at him. Suddenly, he had an idea. "Growlithe? Could you use Ember to melt that ice covering Pika?" Growlithe nodded happily and walked up to the frozen Pika. Then he unleashed a mighty Ember that not only melted the ice, but set Pika's arm on fire. "Ahhhh! Ow, ow, hot, hot, hot! Ah!" Pika cried, running around in a circle before rolling on the ground to extinguish the flames. Hex and N both bit their lip to keep from laughing, because Pika gave them a nasty glare. "Good job, Growlithe." N said, and pet him. "All right! Let's go find Kylani!"
After a while of chasing, the Glaceon is too tired to keep running. "Kylani!" N called. The Glaceon started shivering in fear. "So, we found her again... what now?" Pika asked. "Uh... I don't exactly know..." N muttered. "Thanks a lot..." "I can help with this!" Hex exclaimed. "Huh?" N and Pika said. Hex pulled out a book and started quickly skimming through the pages. "What's a book gonna do?" Pika asked. "It's a spellbook. I cast one of the spells to cure N's poisoning." Hex said cheerfully. "Wait, what?!" N cried in shock. "You have a magical spellbook?!" "I want a magical spellbook too!" Pika whined. "Let's see... Disappearing spell... Teleporting spell... aha! Pokémon to human spell!" "Wait... so you could just go around, turning Pokémon into humans?" N asked. "Yep! If I wanted to!" "Creepy." Pika said. "All right, here we go..." Hex said, and held up a charm to the sun and began to chant. A ring of light surrounded the Glaceon and she crouched down, putting her front feet over her eyes. "Holy crud, it's actually working! I think! Right?!" Pika cried. "Don't ask me!" N yelled in response. Suddenly, a bright flash of light blinded everyone, and when they were able to see again, they saw Kylani sitting on the ground, covering her eyes with her hands. "It worked! Resume the victory dance!" Pika yelled excitedly, and started dancing again. "Kylani! Are you okay?!" N asked worriedly. Kylani slowly uncovered her eyes. "W-What... what happened...?" "You were turned into a Glaceon and Hex turned you back into a human." "...I was... what...? Right... I remember now... I just woke up as a Glaceon out of nowhere... can't even remember falling asleep..." "Really?" "Yes... and then I was being chased around by that man's Scrafty..." "Kylani, why did you use Blizzard on me?" Pika said, starting to pay attention. "I... sorry, I didn't know who you were... I thought you were going to attack me..." "How could you forget me...?!" Pika whined. "Pika, be quiet."
May 15, 2020
After a while of searching, the trio is worn out. "Aw, man... where is she...?" Pika asked. "I... I have no clue..." "Thanks a lot, N... that helps..." Then N suddenly heard the cry for help again. "Follow me! She's this way!" N yelled, dashing off. "Hey, how can you just be restored to full energy like that...? That's unfair..." Hex called after him. They ran into a clearing to see a Shiny Glaceon being attacked by a man's Scrafty. It was clearly weak and it collapsed. "Uh... where's Kylani...?" Pika asked, giving N a crazy look. Then he heard the cry for help again, this time it was very weak. "T-T-That's Kylani!" N yelled, pointing at the Glaceon. The girls looked at each other in confusion. "I'm sure of it! We have to save her!" Upon hearing N's shouting, the man turned around. "What in the-" "Go!" the three of them shouted. Pika sent out Silvally, N sent out Archeops, and Hex sent out a Mimikyu. The man gave them a nasty look. "Listen, kids, this Pokémon is mine!" "Oh no, she isn't!" Hex yelled at him. "I won't let you steal my catch!" the man snarled angrily. Then he threw two Poké Balls, sending out a Crobat and an Aegislash. "Let's get this party started!" Pika yelled. "Silvally, Ice Fang on Crobat!" Silvally, fangs cloaked in ice, charged at Crobat. "Dodge it and use Wing Attack on that Mimikyu!" Crobat quickly flew out of the way of Silvally's attack, then dived toward Mimikyu. With no time to dodge, it was hit hard with Crobat's wings, and its disguise's head went limp. "Mimikyu, Shadow Ball on Aegislash!" Mimikyu hurled the shadowy blob at Aegislash, hitting it hard. "Slash on that Silvally!" Aegislash switched to its Blade Forme and slashed Silvally with its body, causing it to cry out in pain. "Oh no, Silvally!" Pika cried. "Now, Scrafty, use Focus Punch!" Scrafty pulled its fist back and closed its eyes to concentrate. "Archeops, use Dragon Breath on Scrafty!" Archeops breathed out a stream of purple and blue energy, but Crobat flew in front of Scrafty and took the attack. Suddenly, Scrafty charged toward Silvally and unleashed its Focus Punch, knocking Silvally flying. It hit the ground with a crash and fainted. Archeops landed in front of it, staring in shock. "Oh, crud..." Pika muttered as she returned it to its Poké Ball. "Now! High Jump Kick!" Scrafty leaped toward Archeops to hit it head-on. "Look out!" Suddenly, a Metagross descended in front of Archeops and took the hit. However, it barely seemed to do any damage, and Scrafty looked panicked. "What the?!" Then a voice shouted "Use Hammer Arm!" and the Metagross swung its arm at Scrafty, knocking it flying, and it fainted. "What the...?" N said, looking stunned. "Augh!" the man yelled as he pulled out his Poké Ball and called his Pokémon back. "Who did that?!" Then a boy jumped down from a tree branch and landed near the Metagross. "I did." he said. "Who in the absolute frick is this?" Pika asked, looking a bit agitated about her Silvally fainting. "Call me Meta-Man." he replied. "Okay then." Pika said. "Call him what? Mega Man?" Hex asked. Pika snickered. "Quiet, you two!" N said to them. "Archeops, Crunch on Aegislash!" Archeops bit down hard on Aegislash's metal body, and flung it. "Mimikyu, Shadow Ball on Aegislash!" Mimikyu fired off its Shadow Ball and it hit Aegislash, making it faint. The man looked absolutely furious. "Play Rough!" "Dragon Breath!" "Dodge them!" Archeops used Dragon Breath and Mimikyu charged at Crobat so it could use Play Rough, but it dodged both attacks and crashed into Metagross. "Metagross! Psychic!" Metagross lifted Crobat up with its psychic powers, and flung it into a tree, causing it to faint. "No!" the man yelled. Then N, Pika, Hex, Meta-Man, and their Pokémon started surrounding him, and he panicked. "Y-You kids'll regret this!" he cried, picking up his Crobat, and ran off. "Yeah, run, you stupid coward!" Pika taunted. Then they returned their Pokémon to their Poké Balls.
May 15, 2020
Well, that makes sense
May 14, 2020
Yes. Except for sane people. They're less knucklebranish
May 14, 2020
And everyone's a little bit of a knucklebrain
May 14, 2020
Yes. People who are knucklebrains
May 14, 2020
Ugh. People can be stupid
May 14, 2020
Oh it's gonna become a thing. Im srry X
May 14, 2020
It is weird. I really hope this doesn't become a thing.
May 14, 2020