Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Talos (page 25)

Hah, yes, they must have been having a beer at that moment.
Nov 3, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Hello, gurss what? I’ve made 4 pages worth if Classic characters kids, i’m only doing the ones u’ve read i.e  20,000 leagues under the sea  I had a couple others but I haven’t actually read their stories yet so  i’m not going to put them down until I do  and even then I may not put them down like a red  Frankenstein, Dracula, the strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde, the legend of sleepy hollow and turn of the screw but  I haven’t given their characters children  because they’re a different kind of classic story  and then the actual story that I write I won’t be using every single one I made these are just potential ones. i’d post them on my wall except that I have far exceeded the limit of characters allowed on a wall post ( 5000 and what I just wrote is over 9000 )
Nov 2, 2021 by Dyla N
Oh, Pokemon Black? Nope. It was actually a Super Mario World ROM hack. Its name was something like "I HATE YOU". Creative. It wasn't all that scary until the ending, where there was a creepy version of an image and some creepy music from Super Paper Mario playing in the background.

It sounds less creepy the more I try to describe it.
Nov 2, 2021 by Gau
I dunno uf you’d like P&P its about these 5 sisters who are wealthy one of them Rlizabeth is  apparently fabored by her dad  she’s a reader and quite smarf. Anyway a new man co
Mes to town and brings hus friend Mr. Darcy with him, i’d say Darcy is the prisw s he seems  proud of himself and somewhat arrogant  While Elizabeth is yhe prejudice one because she  considers him to be a jerk basically  and so far he’s refusing to really get to know him all that well  I don’t know for sure but I’m fairly certain the two of them fall in love   It’s full of sarcasm and lightheartedness Though  so you might like it.

Anyway as soon as get the word i’ll realize the WMDs they’re all packaged and ready to go!  Other than yhat all i’ve done is take a human grammar course and had to the quiz several times before achieving perfection  stupid “it” and “its”  possessive form,  oh look at you did it right this time hooray  XD.

How are you?
Nov 2, 2021 by Dyla N
I dont think I used regular Manectric before in competitive, but I did use Mega Manectric in competitive before, in National Dex UU and Gen 7 Doubles OU.
Nov 2, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
I’m on the DB server rn
Nov 2, 2021 by Nameless ツ

I'm not sure about my trauma, but I do know that I watched a video about a creepypasta ROM hack years ago and I've been afraid of the dark ever since.
Nov 1, 2021 by Gau
Ohh, yhat’s interesting

I’m currently reading a new earth book called Pride and Lrejudice its good so far though I think I’m only on chapter 5.
Nov 1, 2021 by Dyla N
Oh. Manectric is one of my favorite Pokémon.
Nov 1, 2021 by -RisingManectric-
Sounds good. I’ll be on the DB server during that time period.
Nov 1, 2021 by Nameless ツ