Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Talos (page 24)

Thank ya, I appreciate that.
I like football too, what's that Gyusnin, can't find anything...
Nov 9, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Oops “Moll Flanders.” Also that’s the title of the book nothing either the author is Daniel Defoe he also wrote Robinson Crusoe  I haven’t read Robinson Crusoe yet but I just got it in the mail the other day with like 11 others well technically I have 18 bucks in total but out of 18 or we need 12 of them

Neat  did you ever get any shinnies? If you did you didn’t post them on your about me
Nov 9, 2021 by Dyla N

I'm not sure what my favorite Shiny is. Shiny Eevee is pretty cute, but it's Eevee, so yeah. Shiny Rayquaza looks pretty cool too, especially the Mega. And there are plenty of other Shinies that look cool. Ah, indecisiveness. XD
Nov 8, 2021 by Gau
Lot of work in my side too. Aw, that's disappointing.. Wish ya luck. Well, these are good news, it's nice to buy some time to relax sometimes. Also wanted to ask, in what sport are you interested in?
Nov 8, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Alright! I’ll store them . I’m reading Moll Flanders now actually i don’t go very long netwenn books,

I eas shiny hunting too but finally got what i wanted so yiu play USUM at all?
Nov 8, 2021 by Dyla N
P & P is done i thought it was longer yhan it thrned out to beshich is good and bad i liked it!

No not yet i do’t have a copy and my cousin hasn’t started hers yet i found out how its connected to 20,000  apparently the main character is a descendent of Captain Nemo somehow.

Great shall i deliver them to the stores? Well have them delivered i mean,
Nov 8, 2021 by Dyla N
Ah, I'm good, had a nice and smooth weekend. How 'bout ya?
Nov 8, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Oof. XD
Nov 6, 2021 by Gau
Yeh, exactly
Nov 6, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
Alright! Still on P & P it feels like a lot has happened but i stoll have a ways to go whatcha been reading? How was  Journey to the center of the earth?
Nov 6, 2021 by Dyla N