Meta-PokéBase Q&A

Wall for Talos (page 24)

Yeah, Olympics, got it right ;]
Wooow sounds awesome! What's the theme of this sport?
Nov 13, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
excuse me?
Nov 12, 2021 by ~DracoMeteor~
Nice! Writing fanfiction is fun, even though mine is cringey. What's your idea like?

All three are doing well. I'm considering turning a room in my castle into a giant fangirling shrine. Like my room except easily accessible. XD
Nov 12, 2021 by Gau
Olympiacos it is.
Oh, didn't know that. Well, from the name it sounds interesting, indeed!
Nov 12, 2021 by RaidenTheSworded 雷電
What you mean Charizard?
Nov 12, 2021 by Senjumommy Senpai
Ahh yhe onoy modern things i read are “ Christian romance “  which isn’t really as bad as it sounds  it’s just romance without all that stuff. Fantassy and some  historical fiction but my historical fiction is very specific it’s really only a couple series  turn my favorite thing as a series are the ones by sara J Maas  despite some of the “yhings” the  characters doing night  it wouldn’t be a big deal if you also didn’t spend a whole half a chapter on it if not an entire job or sometimes   I also like the Disney twist in tails series which is also fantasy it takes Disney movies basically and changes them somehow  like in Hercules one leg is told that she can’t be with Hercules so she has to become a god   Which apparently she intends to do but I’ve actually never finish that one I got distracted by other stuff lol

Okay sounds good, is there anything you need me to do? I’m headed into the city today
Nov 12, 2021 by Dyla N
I’m not your pet
Nov 12, 2021 by ~DracoMeteor~
I'll just give you a 'standard' sun team. You need Mandibuzz on your team. If you don't have Mandibuzz, Dragapult will rip you apart and Garchomp threatens to destroy your team completely. Mandibuzz can handle both dragons and Kartana. Offensive spdef Chomp allows you to handle opposing Heatran who can easily predict your own Heatran and earth power. Chomp also just enjoys the sun as it powers up its fire moves. Scizor is your steel type. Be very careful about this as it gets roasted in sun and basically, it just serves to handle Lele. You do not want Mandibuzz to get overwhelmed. Also, don't use Charizard. That mon ******* sucks. Every other sun abuser outclass it thoroughly

For your main sun abuser, just pick among these. Volcanion would provide you with a crucial water immunity while specs eruption Heatran under the sun is the strongest attack in out. It even melts offensive Garchomp and Victini does Victini things
Nov 11, 2021 by Senjumommy Senpai
What was Crussl about? I’m durprised you’ve read JTTCOE ( trading center of the earth ) and Crussl yiu seem to pike classics, have you read any others? I really like Moll rs so far but my reading is on hold as my sister is over for yhe week
Nov 9, 2021 by Dyla N
I have to agree somewhat. Indecisiveness is not fun.

Nov 9, 2021 by Gau