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Wall for Talos (page 13)

...Well I'll be damned, I never saw that. Cheers!
Mar 26, 2022 by Amethyst
I'm glad. :3

And life's goin' good. I got ARC-V and I'm watching the heck out of it. I mean I'm still on season one (I think), but it's very fun. The theme song? Awesome. The characters' acrobatics? Amazing (it's a cartoon obviously but it still looks really dang cool). Yugo's voice? Not really. The fact that Yuto died? jfhuiheves7hcwbooarb8fbv7bavb46vm6u843hmc9wohc3h54h

All right let me try that again. Yuto died (saving Yuya's life in the process) and it was sad and I'm pretty ticked off about it. But he's not gone forever. He'll definitely be seen again. But still, not a fan. I liked Yuto. ;-;

Also Sora being revealed to be a miniature psychopath wasn't up my alley either. But it's still a cool show.
Mar 25, 2022 by Gau
They better. We really, *really* need a good game. PLA was the perfect beginning, let's keep it going.

On an aside, have you seen the comment I put on your Pokemon Trainer tournament idea?
Mar 25, 2022 by Amethyst
I’ve heard of it, but I don’t recall reading it. Don’t worry, I didn’t nickname any of my Kyogres Percy lol
Mar 25, 2022 by BottomlessSea

Nice! Doing new things is... well, usually fun. :3
Mar 21, 2022 by Gau
ScaVi better be good as **** after the questionable choice that was SwSh
Mar 21, 2022 by Amethyst
Pretty much the same as ever. Playin' Yu-Gi-Oh, watchin' Yu-Gi-Oh, and- wait I already told you my daily routine shoot. Uh... oh yeah, I'm excited for my birthday. I get fudge, soda, and Yu-Gi-Oh, which are some of my favorite things. When I had fudge for the first time I swore I had died and gone to heaven (minor exaggeration but it was good fudge).

And, for a very random subject, I've been having very odd (and rather amusing) dreams lately. A couple days back, I had a dream where I was grocery shopping with my mom when the honeybee from the Honey Nut Cheerios box came to life and tried to shoot me. With what? I have no idea. But the only way to stop the cartoon honeybee's rampage was to smash all the boxes of Cheerios in the store. And, luckily, Yami Bakura came to my aid (he seems like such a nice and helpful guy hmm yes definitely) and I wasn't killed or anything.

Anyway, how about you?
Mar 19, 2022 by Gau
Not much lol, you?
Mar 19, 2022 by Amethyst
Thanks! Late but same to you
Mar 19, 2022 by vydestiny
Thanks! Same to you
Mar 18, 2022 by Tensa Zangetsu